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AIT/Raypower boss, Dokpesi Jnr., tests positive for Coronavirus

The Chairman of DAAR Communications Plc, Raymond Dokpesi Jnr., has tested positive for Coronavirus.

Dokpesi disclosed this in a short message to members of staff in Abuja on Monday. The Chairman, who has been on self-isolation for about a week, began feeling ill with symptoms similar to malaria. He also started experiencing cough and as a precaution, reached out to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, NCDC, for a test which later turned out positive for the COVID-19.

He has been evacuated by the NCDC to the isolation centre at the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital Gwagwalada for treatment.

He has assured members of staff that he still feels strong and hopes to be back soon.

In the message, Dokpesi said, “I got a call this morning confirming the result is COVID-19 positive. I am leaving now to the Gwagwalada isolation centre for treatment and hope to be back in two weeks. Many of you may have interacted with me during our various meetings and I would advise you to get tested as soon as possible.”

Meanwhile, the contact tracing team of the NCDC is to begin a test of persons who may have had contacts with Dokpesi in the past two weeks, as well as all other members of staff.

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