Global Upfront Newspapers

COVID-19: Your speech empty, offered no solution – PDP blasts Buhari over broadcast

The leading opposition party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has described President Muhammadu Buhari’s nationwide speech as “appalling.”

Insisting that President Buhari failed to offer solutions to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) challenge facing Nigerians, the PDP said in a statement signed by its Spokesperson, Kola Ologbondiyan, it is greatly disappointment that the President failed to offer any post lockdown stimulus to Nigerians in the private sector.

According to the statement: “The PDP is appalled that President Buhari, in his Monday’s COVID-19 address, again, failed to offer decisive solutions to protect Nigerians from the deadly pandemic.

“We express disappointment that President Buhari did not offer any post lockdown stimulus to assist Nigerians in the private sector whose businesses had been crippled by the lockdown and are now faced with the burden of workers’ salaries and business refinancing.”

PDP lamented that “apart from the elementary lockdown and failed palliative showboating, President Buhari did not offer a decisive solution regarding the production of drugs, testing kits and management of equipment to safeguard Nigerians, despite the huge resources at the disposal of his administration.”

The party further described as saddening that “Buhari did not address the demands by Nigerians to end his administration’s political parochialism and engage competent hands, including indigenous researchers, equipment manufacturers, pharmaceutical, medical as well as virology experts to infuse home grown therapeutic solutions in the overall effort.”

The party insisted that had Buhari heeded this demand by Nigerians at the onset of the pandemic, the situation would not have escalated to this frightening level with no solution in sight.

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