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Corruption: Jonathan challenges FG to open up on alleged verified bank accounts in U.S.

Former President Goodluck Jonathan has challenged the Federal Government to tell Nigerians the owner of the verified accounts in the United States of America, now that the court has granted its subpoena request.

Jonathan in a statement by his special adviser on media, Ikechukwu Eze, however faulted some online reportage of the matter, and said the order by the New York federal judge, Lorna Schofield was for the Nigerian government to verify if he has bank accounts in America.

“The court did not grant access to the bank accounts of former President Jonathan, because the former president has no bank accounts in the United States, or any other country in the world, either in his name or in the name of privies.

“It is expedient to mention that the subpoena was approved several days ago. Consequently, we urge those who implemented the subpoena to tell Nigerians and the world whether or not they found any bank accounts in the name of former President Goodluck Jonathan,” the statement demanded.

Jonathan recalled that when the news of the subpoena broke last month, he did not only restate the fact that he has no accounts in the United States but also urged the US authorities to grant Nigeria’s application by providing the requested bank records.

“For the avoidance of doubt, we will continue to reiterate that whether in or out of office, former President Jonathan does not have any property or bank account outside Nigeria,” the statement added.

It also challenged any journalist who might be interested, to seek for a Freedom of Information application to peruse the documents discovered by this subpoena.

“This is important because Nigerians deserve to know the outcome of these investigations,” Jonathan added.

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