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Video of Nigerians vandalising parts of Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia emerge as Onyeama says it is “disgraceful and criminal”

A video has emerged on how a group of Nigerians and other Africans invaded the Nigerian Embassy, Jakarta, Indonesia, protesting over the Embassy’s “inaction” over the death of Nigerian immigrants in the far Asian country.

In a 2.39 minutes video, the youths had desecrated the embassy grounds, protesting the death of one Mr Chike, who jumped off from his high rise apartment and died while attempting to run away from Indonesian Immigration personnel.

The high rise building is located in Apartmen Gading Nias, Kelapa gading, Jakarta, Indonesia.

In protest, a source said, “Nigerians and some Africans went on a protests over the continued and neglected torture they face on a daily basis in the hands of unscrupulous immigration Officers in Indonesia.”

The mainly young Nigerians had forced the gate of the Embassy open, pulling down fences, breaking doors and windows before finally bringing down the Nigerian flag from the pole.

They threw the flag on the floor before taking it away. The group of violent protesters were later called out to stop further vandalisation of the Embassy.

Exasperated at the scene, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Geoffrey Onyeama, condemned attack by Nigerian citizens on their country’s diplomatic compound, describing the act as disgraceful and criminal.

In a tweet via his Twitter handle @Geoffrey Onyeama on Friday, Onyeama vowed that perpetrators would be identified and punished.

The Minister said of the destruction in the compound: “Absolutely deplorable and disgraceful criminal behaviour by Nigerian hooligans, who without justification, attacked the Nigerian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia today.

“Totally unacceptable behaviour. Every effort will be made to identify them and see they are severely punished.”

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