Global Upfront Newspapers

Nigerian candidates now to write 2020 WASSCE as FG recants again, seeks new exam dates

The Federal Government has made a u-turn on its earlier decision to stop her candidates fro writing this year’s West African Examination Council (WAEC) Senior Secondary School Certificate examination following the confirmation by the Minister of State for Education, Hon. Emeka Nwajiuba that the Ministry held a meeting with officials of the West African Examination Council (WAEC) on Monday.

The Minister of State who revealed this while speaking during a press briefing in Abuja on Friday  said that there will be further consultations with four other countries, before new examination dates are announced.

“We met with WAEC on Monday and have agreed to further consult with four other countries on a new examination date.

 “We appreciate the concern shown by all stakeholders and note the divergent views expressed on the matter.

“Parents should be rest assured that the safety of our students and teachers is paramount as we work assiduously towards the speedy reopening of our schools for the exit classes to take external examinations,” he said.

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