01/10The new variant of concern
With the news of the latest mutation Omicron, which is reportedly highly infectious, people across the world are scared; India specifically as it took a massive blow during the second wave. So whether the much dreaded third wave will arrive or not is a question for later, we must continue to follow all COVID protocols.
02/10Short term lifestyle changes won’t help
One of the biggest wonders that people expected when COVID hit was to follow short term immunity and wellness goals. But what many forgot was that to prepare your body and immune system to fight anything, you have to change your lifestyle and incorporate the right kind of foods and follow healthy habits on a long term basis.
03/10How to fire up your immune system
Apart from strictly following COVID protocols, below are some ways you can activate your immune system (but remember, make them a part of your lifestyle). Having said that, you need to understand that bolstering your immunity isn’t a one-day or one-week effort. It’s a lifelong commitment to dietary and lifestyle changes.
04/10Be physically active and engage in fitness activities
We have seen the perils of long intense workouts in the past few months and that’s why many doctors are now advising people to consult them before starting a rigorous workout routine. So to be on the safer side, ensure that you engage in moderate exercises and also stay physically active throughout the day. Consciously walk as much as you can so not only do you complete your minimum steps but also rev up your body’s immune response.
05/10Sleep well
The one thing that we took for granted for the longest is of utmost importance in your fight against harmful pathogens. Several studies have shown that sleep is directly linked to the immune system. So if you are not sleeping well, take measures to fix that and if you still face issues, it is best to consult an expert.
06/10Focus on whole foods and avoid sugar and extra salt
Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, seeds are all rich in nutrients that aid your body’s immune system. The antioxidants present in these foods work on decreasing inflammation and combats unstable compounds, which can cause inflammation if not managed. Whole foods also prevent chronic inflammation linked to several health conditions.
07/10Stay hydrated
Our body requires water to ensure our body parts function properly. With the winter season here, a lot of us will make the mistake of drinking less water but remember while hydration may not be directly linked to your immune system, it will help your body to carry out its tasks in the most efficient manner.
08/10Manage your stress levels
Stress is linked to poor immune function. Several studies have shown that increased stress levels and anxiety can hamper your body’s natural defences. So don’t panic and try to engage in activities that help bring down the stress.
09/10Do regular health check ups and plan your diet/supplements accordingly
Ignorance is NOT bliss when it comes to our health so make sure that you are very well aware of your health. Undergo regular tests to ensure that you know your Vitamin D, calcium, Iron and other important parameters are in place. In case you find any malfunction, treat it accordingly and support your body with right supplementation.
10/10Goodness of Ayurveda
You can include immunity boosters such as ashwagandha, giloy in your regular diet. Also opt for tulsi tea once a day and do gargling once a day.
Originally published in Times of India, November 29, 2021, https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/is-ghee-bad-for-heart-health-and-weight-loss/photostory/87958789.cms