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Depot Nigerian Army Passes Out Over 6,000 Recruits As COAS Calls For Professionalism

Depot Nigerian Army (NA) on Saturday 10 December 2022 passed out 6226 Recruits of 83 Regular Recruit Intake to enhance the manpower requirements in tackling the country’s myriad security challenges bedevilling the nation.

Speaking as the Special Guest of Honour, the Chief Army Staff Lieutenant General Faruk Yahaya asserted that the professional disposition of these young soldiers was manifested in the realistic and results-oriented training that impacted them in their 5 months sojourn which was evident in the synchronized drill, impressive display, innovation, ingenuity, turn out, and perseverance of these young soldiers during the passing out ceremony.

The COAS also said the rigorous journey of these young soldiers which commenced 5 months ago had groomed them to meet up with the contemporary security challenges saying that increase in the strength of NA personnel will add impetus to its various operations.

The COAS further urged them to be focused and not to allow ethnic and religious bigots to use them in advancing their selfish agenda. General Yahaya also charged the young soldiers who would be deployed for the 2023 elections coverage to be apolitical while discharging their constitutional responsibility.

General Yahaya reiterated that a lot was expected of these young soldiers in terms of loyalty, selfless service, integrity, courage, discipline and respect for others which are the core values of the NA.

In his words,” You are expected to uphold these values by displaying high professional and moral standards. I, therefore, urge you to retain the mental, physical and moral training you received and display it most responsively and professionally”.

General Yahaya further charged them to be good ambassadors of the NA through the display of total loyalty to the constitutional authority. He added that as the hub for the professional development of NA’s soldiers, Depot NA remains the COAS’ priority as regards infrastructural and human development stating that it was evident in the restructuring of the training environment for both staff and recruits. The COAS further pledged more support to the institution for quality training.

While reminding the young soldiers of the Oath of allegiance that was administered to them, he reaffirmed that they now acquired a special status of being subject to military and civil laws. He also warned them to avoid any act capable of tarnishing the image of the NA and the nation in general.

Highlights of the event were passing out the parade and presentation of souvenirs among others.

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