Global Upfront Newspapers

Terrorists Kill Pastor, 2 Sons In Riyom LGA, Plateau State

By Grâçia Obi

Terrorists have killed Reverend Musa Hyok and his two sons in the Ganawuri community of Riyom Local Government Area (LGA) of Plateau State.

Plateau State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), DSP Alfred Alabo, said in a statement on Wednesday that the cleric, who was slain on Sunday, was a priest of the Church of Christ in Nation (COCIN).

The statement noted that ”the Command has commenced an investigation to unravel those behind the attack.”

Youth Leader of the community, Song Moro, alleged that the incident was a reprisal attack following the killing of three youths in the community.

“Trouble started when some suspected kidnappers were arrested last Wednesday which is our market day but later escaped in the hands of some vigilantes who were to keep them before the arrival of security operatives.

“The situation degenerated into an argument and later escalated to a clash leading to the death of three Fulani youths despite several meetings and appeals for calm.

”We suspect that the situation led to this attack on an innocent family that knew nothing about last Wednesday’s incident.”

Moro said that the bodies of the Pastor and his sons had been buried amid tension and tight security in Ganawuri axis.

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