Global Upfront Newspapers

Terrorists Gun Down 2 Abducted Victims in Zamfara State, Release 70 After Families Sold Farms, Food For Ramsom

Terrorists have released 70 out of 85 victims abducted three weeks ago from their farms in Wanzamai village of Tsafe Local Government Area of Zamfara State, a community that had suffered series of terrorists’ attacks in the past..

While the children went to the bush to fetch firewood, the other adults were kidnapped on farmlands when they went for land clearing in preparation for this year’s cropping season. There are also women among the victims.

A resident, Sani Aliyu, told our correspondent that 70 out of the 85 victims were freed Friday night.

“The armed men had agreed to release the children after N6 million ransom was paid to them. Earlier, they refused to free the captives after N3 million was paid. They demanded that two brand new motorbikes must be bought for them.

“The armed criminals shot dead two teenagers trying to escape. The released children are looking pale and fatigued. There are about 15 children still with them and we don’t know the reason for holding them.

“Some parents cried when they saw the terrible condition of their children. They look emaciated because of starvation and hunger. The freed victims are currently receiving medical attention,” he said.

Their parents and other close relations shared their sad experiences while their loved ones were in captivity, and prayed that those taken to hospitals for medical attention, would recover quickly.

A parent alleged that ”we have to sell our farms, food crops and even begged for money to gather money and pay ransom.”

While the parents mourned the death of 2 captives allegedly killed by the terrorists, they however claimed that about 20 of their people were still held in captivity and efforts were still on to free them from the terrorists.

Zamfara State has been in the news as an epicentre of terrorists activities, even though the military and other security agencies have not relented in pursuing and killing them during many successful operations.

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