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Ukraine And Gaza Strip As Testing Grounds For Continued Relevance Of An Expiring World Super Power (Part 4)

By Abuchi Obiora

This week’s discourse takes a summary as well as concludes all we have seen to be the remote and immediate causes of the proxy wars presently being levied by America and some Western European countries in Ukraine and Gaza strip.

We have also found out that these wars are simply being used to test whether or not the Super Power factor of the United States of America is still relevant in the contemporary world politics.

Before I continue, let me take a forward position immediately to say that America and Western European countries have become more dastardly in their actions recently because they understand that they are losing in their battle to continue to dictate their whims and caprices to the nations of the world.

The imminent failure of the proxy war in Ukraine to draw that country to the membership of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) in order to prevent it from a military alliance with its neighbor and erstwhile regional partner, Russia, and the American proxy war in Gaza Strip through Israel (provoked by the October 7th Al Qassam – HAMAS – attack on Israelis) show that America, using Ukraine and Gaza strip, have failed in the test for the continued relevance of her world Super Power element in international politics and military might.

For this reason, as the war in Ukraine is turning in favour of Russia, the war in Gaza strip may end up with disgrace for America and Israel who are already seeking for diplomatic soft-landing from some nations around the world to end the war. Though fortuitous with revealing outcome, it is unfortunate (because of the destruction of lives and properties) that HAMAS unscrupulously played into the hands of their traditional enemies who have long been waiting for an opportunity for the final crush and complete the American/Israeli expansionism in the Middle East.

At this point, ladies and gentlemen, let us situate the Palestinian freedom fighting history in correct perspective and find out who HAMAS is. HAMAS is the acronym of its official Arab name HARAKAT AL-MUQAWAMAH AL-ISLAMIYYA. It is presently simply referred to as the ISLAMIC RESISTANCE. HAMAS is a Palestinian Sunni Islamic militant group and is presently under the direction of Ismail Haniyeh. Deriving its origin from the Egyptian Brotherhood and dating back to the early fifties, HAMAS, with other groups campaigned to make possible the present status of the semi-autonomous Palestinian state. At that time, it was known to be more militant than others who participated in that campaign, especially the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).

The proper establishment of HAMAS as a political party happened in 1987 during what is presently known in Middle East history as the first Intifida, directed by Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz Al-Rantissi. With the Intifida, HAMAS metamorphosed completely to become the Gaza Strip branch of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Organization. For the purpose of clarity, HAMAS started the campaign for the creation of a Palestinian State with the PLO then under the direction of Yasser Arafat. While HAMAS had a hardline posture towards the campaign, the PLO had a liberal posture.

It was obviously as a result of the liberal posture of the PLO that the United Nations considered its case for Palestine and granted her certain autonomy within an identified space of land in Gaza Strip in 1988. The level of autonomy she got does not as yet make her an independent state.

From this brief story, I can identify the reasons for the turn of history which eventually made HAMAS the favourite political party of Palestinians in 2006 when HAMAS as a political party won 74 of the 132 seats in the Palestinian Parliamentary Election during that year. With that victory, HAMAS took effective control of Palestine and became a strong political force in Gaza Strip. With that victory, HAMAS wanted to build a Palestinian state based on Sharia. In this brief history, three questions came up in my mind. They are:

  1. Why is it that Israel, America, Western Europe and the United Nations has tarried to grant Palestine the full status of a State in their home land since 1988?
  • Why is it that Israel has been consistent in taking away the larger chunk of Palestinian homeland as given to Palestinians in 1947 before the creation of Israel (as if Israel regretted that arrangement by the United Nations).
  • Why is it that Israel does not recognize that they themselves wouldn’t have had a homeland if Palestinians did not allow the arrangement by the United Nations in 1947 because most of the land in Gaza Strip was securely held by Palestine prior to that arrangement?

These three questions are important to answer because the answers to them will solve the riddle of the present restiveness of Palestinians, the upsurge in the popularity of HAMAS and the acceptance of HAMAS, a once detested militant group, as the preferred political Party in Palestine wherefore they suddenly won the majority votes in 2006 Palestinian Parliamentary Election.

My thoughts are that had Israel and America (Israel’s adopted father), been faithful in abiding to the United Nations arrangement for the two parties in 1947, Palestinians themselves wouldn’t have aided the rise to power of HAMAS. I have a feeling that Palestinians felt short-changed as nothing further happened, so they decided to walk along with the devil they know than dilly-dally with the angel they knew not.

In my opinion, HAMAS, though not a creation of Palestine, Israel or America, was strengthened and energized by the recalcitrance and refusal of Israel and America to allow Palestinians to thrive in their home land. My thoughts also, are that was it not for this recalcitrance, refusal and lack of faith, Palestine would have most probably, been ruled by any of the liberal parties supported by Israel and America.

I further believe that were Palestinians not disappointed by lack of faith from Israel and America after the creation of a semi-autonomous Palestinian State in 1988, the operations of HAMAS in Palestine would have greatly been reduced or even rendered extinct through non-support by Palestinians. My conclusion on this issue therefore, is that if HAMAS has become a monster and a dreaded terrorist organization as President Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel will want us to believe, Israel and America has created this monster through lack of equity, injustice and betrayal.

This unfaithfulness by Israel and the fall-out response by a majority of Palestinians through their votes in 2006 is the reason why I said earlier in Part Three of this discourse that everybody in Palestine, even those at the puppet government likes what HAMAS is doing to secure a true and permanent home land for Palestinians.

Having made these observations, I must vehemently refuse to accept the propaganda by Israel, America and the Western European Media Axis that the war presently going on in Gaza Strip is between Israel and HAMAS. No, it is not. THAT WAR PRESENTLY GOING ON IN GAZA STRIP IS BETWEEN ISRAEL AND PALESTINIANS WITH THE PUPPET GOVERNMENT UNABLE TO SAVE THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE IT IS BONDED ON OATH TO PROTECT. If the reader does not believe my view point, then, my question would be, WHY ARE MANY PALESTINIAN CIVILIANS INCLUDING WOMEN AND CHILDREN BEING KILLED IN THE WAR?.

The word ‘terrorism’ as presently used around the world has been corrupted to carry certain characteristics to push the agenda of neo-colonialists, or in the way as applied to HAMAS’ defense of Palestinians, a promotion of pure apartheid system of governance. This ascription of the wrong meaning to the world ‘terrorism’ played out with the Mau Mau Freedom fighting group in Kenya and the ANC (African National Congress) under the able leadership of the Madiba, Nelson Rohilaha Mandela in South Africa.

For America and her Western European allies, the war in Ukraine instigated by NATO was a miscalculation while that war presently going on in Gaza Strip is a disaster for the continued relevance of America as a contemporary world Super Power. That war has done more harm than good in the assessment of America’s military might. That war, too, has demystified the legendary military prowess of Israel.

Apart from the collapsing influence of the United States dollar around the world, and the sundry fiducial distresses in American economy, that war going on in Gaza Strip will be both a quickner and one of the immediate contributors to the demise of Pax Americana.

Let us see how this will happen. We had observed in one of these discourses that the declining value of the US Dollar and the imminent collapse of the US economy that may ensue therefrom is one of the major factors that is driving the present leadership in the US to questionable conducts of grave impunity. In this respect, there is a historical similarity which doubles as an irony between the rise and fall of the Roman Empire (which foundation was laid by Alexander the Great) and the rise and imminent fall of America.

The similarity is that the two Super Powers were cunningly birthed. The irony is that the Roman Empire exited the world scene through implosion, the same road America is presently running along on top speed.

The further back you can see in history, the further forward you can see into the future. Philosophers of the contemporary world and Analysts of sociopolitical and economic trends across the world are beginning to compare the slow decline and eventual fall of the Roman Empire with the Empire of the United States of America. For example, the debasement of the silver currency by adding alloy substitute led to the Roman currency being rejected by Roman soldiers and because soldiers were not paid, it became difficult to protect the Empire. This led to the empire’s decline and collapse.

In exact comparison, because of the need to run government business and maintain hundreds of American Military Bases stationed around the world to push the expansionism policy of the United states of America in the face of an excruciating depreciation in the purchasing power of the Dollar (as a result of the uncertainties in the US financial system), the US government has to resort to printing of more dollar to meet up. The exercise of printing more dollars is said by financial experts to be exactly the same thing as substituting silver with alloy by the authorities of the defunct ancient Roman Empire, in modern time. Will the American Empire go the same way as the defunct Roman Empire? Time will tell, but my layman opinion is that there are ominous signs that point to that possibility.

Let us talk a little more about Ukraine. Anybody with average intelligence and minimum knowledge of both international and regional diplomacy will understand that the war in Ukraine would have been unnecessary if President Volodymyr Zelensky of that country read and understood the history of his country and its former, traditional and historical allies of several centuries gone by. Nonetheless, he was deceived by the European Union, and America through its puppet agency, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO. The truth is that it was the encroachment of the West on the territory belonging and responding to Russian influence through the defunct alliance of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (U.S.S.R) that brought about the war. Why is America threatened by the restoration of traditional ties between Ukraine and Russia? The answer is that America wants to take another forward position (as she always does) in preventing Russia, with an alliance with China, to win the love of their traditional allies and emerge the next joint world Super Power. America set out to destabilize Ukraine after securing the permission of the naive Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky.

All these bravado efforts by America across the world, though bold and courageous, seem to be late and will yield no positive results. There are two reasons for this. I have previously mentioned them: let me expatiate on them:

  1. Declining Value of the Dollar:

The declining value of the American dollar has made investors and wealth storers to re-discover the value of gold and silver. This discovery is made more interesting by the fact that much of the world’s gold and silver reserve is outside America. They are in Russia, but most especially in China.

  • Advent of the BRICS Plus Nations:

The second reason is the advent of the BRICK Plus Nations and the determination of that emerging world political and economic force to introduce the BRICKS currency which will replace the US Dollar as the international measure of value and medium of payment of international trade amongst member countries. To make room for the realization of this far-reaching project, China has started dumping its extensive U.S dollar Bills holdings and using the proceeds to purchase gold, much of the world’s reserve it already has.

While the value of the US Dollar declines around the world, the nations and financial corporations around the world have learnt to store their wealth in gold and silver, the age-long and near perfect, un-fluctuating template to gauge the wealth of nations and corporate bodies. But wait for the real gist: Apart from Chinese and Russian gold reserves, much of the remainder of the world’s gold reserves including raw, un-mined gold, is domiciled in the BRICS PLUS Nations, especially African countries who are being admitted into that esteemed body. This means that as America gets poorer, Russia and China, with all the other members of the BRICS PLUS Nations will become richer. Guess who will then become the new Super Power in the world? Of course Russia, China and other countries of the BRICS PLUS Nations, in a joint mutual alliance.

During the reign of King Darius the Great, the fourth King of the Achaememid Empire founded in 550 B.C by King Cyrus the Great, the Empire stretched from the Caucasus and West Asia (China), to what was then Macedonia (today’s Balkans), the Black Sea, Central Asia (Russia) and Africa. It is worthy of note that the countries that are presently situated in these vast areas of the world landmass are the ones that have gathered to form the BRICS PLUS Nations.

This coming together of ancestral allies with common regional interests to reassert their earliest and traditional control of the affairs of the world is actually what has made America to become dastardly in her approach to international and cross border relations.

In spite of this, unfolding events in world politics show that the BRICS PLUS Nations will soon emerge as the new world Super Power. A cursory look at a map of this on-coming Super Power shows that it covers such areas previously known as the Balkan Peninsula, what is presently called Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine, to the Indus River Valley in the northwest India, up to the south of India.

This means that Russia, China, Ukraine and all the countries of the defunct union of Soviet Socialist Republic (U.S.S.R) have always had traditional and historic link with Russia. Why are these countries being sought after by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) through America and some other Western European countries like Britain and France? I recognize this as aggression on the part of the United States of America and these Western European countries.

The emergence of the BRICS PLUS Nations is a historical necessity which must be made to be a modern day reality if reasonable peace and balance must be attained on the earth amongst the communities of human beings presently habiting the earth.

If I had more space, I could still explore the vast network of the legendary link between these people, but let me quickly add that traditionally, both the Gaza Strip (Jerusalem et al, as also recorded and confirmed with sundry Biblical records) and Ukraine (originally part of the Asian Continent but now called Eurasia, as earlier stated in a previous part of this discourse) were under the firm grip of Cyrus the Great and the subsequent Kingdoms, Empires and mini Super Powers that emanated from that pristine Kingdom.

Remember also that the present day location of Iran was the seat of the powerful government constituted and overseen by King Cyrus the Great. For this reason therefore, it seems to me that America, threatened by the possible consequences of not getting control of these two historical regions of the world (Ukraine and Gaza Strip), feels that she must proceed for a head-on collision to forcibly ‘remote control’ them in order to forestall the imminent influence of an emerging Super Power that will eventually bench her own influence around the world.

The Conference of 1884/1885 (misrepresented by the Printer’s Devil in Part Two of this discourse as 1984/1985) in Berlin, Germany, during the reign of the dictator, Otto Von Bismarck, the first Chancellor of Germany, unilaterally put the seal of approval to the hundreds of years of debasement of Africa and humiliation of Africans through slave trade. Since then, the pendulum of political unrest and restiveness in these African countries has never ceased to oscillate, starting from the demand of political independence to the present groundswell of opinions across these countries for economic independence.

Quietly, these countries, being former forced allies (through slave trade, colonization and balkanization) of America and Western Europe, are drifting back to their traditional, ancient, legendary and pristine partnership and historical allies of the King Cyrus the Great era, especially Russia, India and China.

Founded on hard work (and not on colonialism, neo-colonialism or imperialism), altruism and traditional historical common interest, the emerging world Super Power, the Sino-Russian Civilization which will be the next major and third Super Power in the world will be coming to the table with clean hands. None of the two leading countries of the emerging new world Super Power (Russia and China), was involved in dehumanizing human beings which the Anglo-Saxon Super Power foundation of slave symbolized.

But the most remarkable feature of the emerging Sino-Russian Civilization is that it will be ushered into existence with the tacit support, approval and corporation of the most humiliated people on earth – Africans, who, though they constitute the cash cows that supply the barking dogs of the world with all the industrial fiber used to sustain all the factories around the world and generally the world economic and financial system, have been reduced to what Franz Fanon calls ‘the wretched of the earth’ in his book published with that phrase as the title.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the master strategist and the man of the moment who, though, is in the eye of the storm, is carefully and quietly executing the new process of promotion of justice and equity around the world with more than 60% of the total world landmass and much of the wealth of the world domiciled in the BRICS PLUS Nations (especially as more African countries are going to be admitted to the group), the world is bound to see new developments that will diminish the influence of America around the world.

The influence of American Super Power will be permanently capped with the introduction of the BRICS CURRENCY (backed up by the immense gold and silver reserves of the BRIC PLUS Nations) which is expected to replace the United States Dollar as the preferred currency, the medium of exchange and the determinant of values around the world.

Back home in Nigeria, one would ask: Why was Nigeria not admitted to the membership of the BRICS PLUS Nations during their last meeting in South Africa? Obviously, the excuse or is it reason given by the Vice President, Kashim Shettima, was a flimsy one, not good enough for admission by inquisitive and informed minds like this discussant.

The Vice President was very economical with the truth because it is clear, by the criteria set for admission to that exclusive club of progressive nations, that Nigeria, though independent in paper is truly not independent in any other way. The country, Nigeria, is seriously tied to the apron strings of the US and Western European Economies (Remember Paris Club of Creditors!). Methinks that the BRICS PLUS Nations do not admit countries that they suspect may be saboteurs in their midst.

It is unfortunate that while South African in its far-sighted vision has-keyed in to the process of creating a new, just and equitable world order with her membership of the BRICKS PLUS Nations, Nigeria, the blind and incapacitated ‘Giant of Africa’ is still struggling to conduct a free and fair election as the country is being fast tracked along the lane of the abyss by her judiciary.

In concluding this discourse, I must be bold to say that any civilization built on oppression, repression, suppression and other injustices that tantamount to extreme abuses of human rights including the ones that cause death always fall like a pack of unarranged cards. Such civilizations are always buried in the debris of their insensitivity and unreasonableness.

It surprises me that America, modern day America, has lost all the virtues upon which she was established by her founding fathers who were all known to be highly evolved souls at the time they lived.  This, by the way, is the choice of modern day America but I hasten to add that to all deliberate human choices, certain responses are drawn from nature. In its response, nature is always impersonal, because, like a pendulum, the natural law of cause and effect, nay karma, oscillating unceasingly in its restiveness as it seeks to locate justice and equity, is aided by the magnetism law of affinity which eventually draws the pendulum to rest at the point of balance.

This point of balance could mean different things to different people, group of people, or nations (including collapse of nations), but the truth is that with it, nature must have once again, restored to itself in that instance, the pristine condition which has just been tampered with by the … deliberate imbalance caused by the actions of man. This forced restoration of the pristine balance by nature through the expiation of karma by deliberate or in-deliberate defaulters’ guarantees the survival and perpetuation of the Universal Being which is the sum total of all there is, unto endless eternity.


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