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Hardships: Afenifere Faction Counters Pa Fasoranti, Says Yorubas Should Join Nationwide Protest

A faction of the pan Yoruba socio-political group, Afenifere, has distanced itself from the call by its National Leader, Pa Reuben Fasoranti, that the Yorubas should not join the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and other protests concerning the state of the nation.

In a statement by Afenifere National Publicity Secretary, Mogaji Gboyega Adejumo, and Deputy National Publicity Secretary, Justice Faloye, the organisation stated that Afenifere had always supported the right to protest in a democracy, from the beginning when Awolowo protested against the colonial constitutions of 1946 and 1949 that did not allow for full federalism.

In a statement he personally issued and signed in Akure, the Ondo state capital, Pa Fasoranti specifically asked Yorubas to shun any protests and rallies called over the economic hardship being faced by Nigerians.

Fasoranti said: “As the National Leader of Afenifere, and leader of the Yoruba, I address all and sundry today with a deep understanding of the challenges our dear country is going through at this critical time. The outcry over the hardship, hunger, and price hikes is not unexpected… As a responsible leader, I appeal to every Yoruba man and woman, young and old, and our fellow citizens across the nationalities, to exercise patience and refrain from engaging in protests or actions that may escalate tensions.

“We must endure today’s hardship for tomorrow’s prosperity… Join me in appealing for unity and understanding among our people. Together, we can weather this storm and emerge stronger as a nation. I want to assure you as the Leader of Afenifere, that we are actively engaging with the government at different levels to address the concerns of our people. “Let us remain steadfast, patient, and united in the face of these challenges, confident that our collective resilience will pave the way for a more prosperous future.”

But the statement by Adejumo and Faloye said: “Afenifere considers the undemocratic statement by the renegade ex-members as ill-informed, as the President Tinubu whom they are trying so desperately protect, was at many times an active protester against President Jonathan on issues, such as subsidy removal, Boko Haram terror, and on the abduction of the Chibok girls.

“The renegades in their desperate bid to please President Tinubu conveniently forgot that Citizen Tinubu at that time took to the streets to protest and at a time even advised President Jonathan to resign if he found governance beyond his capacity.

“Many would recall that Chief Obafemi Awolowo warned Yoruba States and newspapers, like Tribune and Sketch, under his influence never to stifle voices of dissent, but embrace voices of opposition, therein, as he posited, the methodology of balancing all views toward a positive solution-based effort can only be achieved.”

Afenifere, in the statement, queried if the Yoruba were not included in the membership of NLC, stating that if ever Afenifere was to advise against a protest, it would be based on solid policy direction and not shallow tribal sentiments to silence the pains, hunger and anger of the masses.

The statement added: “Those using the incapacitated retired Afenifere leader, Pa Reuben Famuyide Fasonranti’s name to tarnish the time tested and trusted Afenifere motto of ‘Freedom for all, Life more Abundant’ should know that not only would the Afenifere never stop being people-oriented, that the Afenifere will not also interfere with the peoples’ resolve to exercising their constitutional rights, of which the right to protest is an integral part of their fundamental human rights.

“The Afenifere,, from her inception in 1951 to date and having in her fold a succession of seasoned economists, and following our indomitable belief system in Democratic Welfarism, will rather hesitate in vouching for Tinubu’s IMF’s inclined anti-people policies, which have failed in almost every country where such policies have been implemented.”

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