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Eid El-Kabir: Defence Ministers Urge Compassion, Unity

Minister of Defence, Mohammed Badaru Abubakar, and Minister of State, Dr. Bello Muhammed Matawalle, has extended their warmest wishes to the Armed Forces of Nigeria and all Nigerians on the occasion of Eid-el-Kabir.

Praying that Nigerians enjoy a hitch-free Eid-el-Kabir celebration, the Ministers prayed for Allah’s blessings to shower upon the nation’s leaders, Muslim faithful, the gallant Armed Forces of Nigeria, and other Nigerians.

In a statement by the Ministry of Defence Director of Information and Public Relations, Henshaw Ogubike, the Defence Minister commended the collective efforts of the Armed Forces and Nigerians towards achieving a safer and more secure Nigeria.

Badaru urged Nigerians to draw inspiration from the sacred occasion, embracing its lessons and rewards as a guiding force for unity, compassion, righteousness, and national cohesion.

“May Almighty Allah continue to bless our leaders, households, members of the Armed Forces, and our dear country,” he prayed.

Dr. Matawalle prayed for Allah’s favour and mercy upon the Armed Forces, their families, and Nigerians, saying: “May Allah’s limitless favour be upon us all, and may His mercy be upon all Muslims and non-Muslims worldwide.”

The Minister commended the Armed Forces for their gallant efforts in ensuring the country’s security, acknowledging their sacrifices and dedication. He expressed appreciation for their efforts towards a secured Nigeria, praying that Allah rewards their service.

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