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Russia Developing Its Nuclear Trifecta As Guarantee Of Strategic Deterrence, Balance Of Global Powers, Putin Tells Russian Military College Graduates

Global Upfront
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday told graduates of military colleges in the Kremlin that Russia plans to keep developing its nuclear trifecta because this...
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International Criminal Court Announce Arrest Warrants for Israeli PM Netanyahu, Defense Minister Gallant, and Hamas Leader Sinwar, Over Gaza War Crimes

Global Upfront
The International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan KC announced on Monday arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant,...
CoverNewsPoliticsWorld News

Moscow Threatens To Strike British Military Targets In Ukraine ‘And Abroad’ If Ukraine Uses UK Weapons To Hit Russian Territory As Kremlin Summons Brit Ambassador

Global Upfront
Moscow has threatened to strike British military targets in Ukraine and elsewhere if it finds Kyiv‘s forces used British-supplied long-range missiles to strike Russia. The Russian foreign...
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Israel’s Netanyahu Tells President Biden He’s Worried About Possible International Criminal Court Arrest Warrants, Seeks U.S. Intervention

Global Upfront
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday asked President Joe Biden to help prevent the International Criminal Court (ICC) from issuing arrest warrants for senior...

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