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Russia Developing Its Nuclear Trifecta As Guarantee Of Strategic Deterrence, Balance Of Global Powers, Putin Tells Russian Military College Graduates

Global Upfront
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday told graduates of military colleges in the Kremlin that Russia plans to keep developing its nuclear trifecta because this...

UN Genocide Ruling Won’t Change Israel’s Behaviour: Three Reasons Why It May Prove A Hollow Victory

Global Upfront
By Anthoni van Nieuwkerk South Africa took Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over the latter’s military operation in Gaza, which South Africa...

EU To Deepen Military Support To Help Nigeria Overcome Terrorism, Banditry, Kidnapping, Boko Haram, Maritime Insecurity – Ambassador

Global Upfront
The European Union (EU) has expressed its willingness to assist Nigeria overcome banditry, kidnapping and insurgency by Boko Haram, saying the security of the Niger...

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