Global Upfront Newspapers

Ochanja Building Collapse: Ozigbo Condoles With Families of Victims, Calls for Urgent Investigations, Strict Adherence with Building Regulations

Global Upfront
Mr Valentine Ozigbo, Labour Party (LP) stalwart and a former Governorship candidate in Anambra State, has expressed heartfelt condolences to the affected families, traders, and...
Anambra DecidesCoverLifeNews

Anambra Boils Over Killing Of Onitsha Trader By State Anti-touting Squad, Govt Denies, Blames Stray Bullet During Nigerian Navy Intervention

Global Upfront
There is raging anger in Anambra State over the shooting to death of a trader at the Ọgbọ Ọgwụ Market, Onitsha, Anambra State, on Friday....

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