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Slovak Govt Says Shot PM Fico In Life-threatening Condition As Putin Laments “This Monstrous Crime Has No Justification”

Global Upfront
Robert Fico is in a life-threatening condition, Slovakia’s government office has said. He is being airlifted to Banska Bystrica Hospital, it said, as transport to...
AmericaCoverJusticeLifeNewsPoliticsWorld News

Israel’s Netanyahu Tells President Biden He’s Worried About Possible International Criminal Court Arrest Warrants, Seeks U.S. Intervention

Global Upfront
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday asked President Joe Biden to help prevent the International Criminal Court (ICC) from issuing arrest warrants for senior...
AmericaBreaking NewsCoverLifeNewsPolitics

U.S. Says Support For Israel ironclad As IRGC Says Strike In Response To IDF Attack On Consular Compound IN Damascus

Global Upfront
U.S. President Joe Biden will meet with his national security team at the White House later this afternoon to discuss Iran’s ongoing strike on Israel....

Military Personnel Swear Allegiance To The Constitution And Serve The American People – Not One Leader Or Party

Global Upfront
In general, Americans don’t trust their government institutions as much as they used to – and that includes the military. In part, that’s because the...

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