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Nationwide Strike: Nigeria In Total Blackout As Electricity Workers “Deliberately Shuts Down National Grid” – TCN

Global Upfront
The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) on Monday morning confirmed that Nigerians workers in the power sector have “shut down the national grid, resulting in...
Breaking NewsBusinessCoverNews

Nigeria: TCN Announce “System Sabotage” As Terrorists Vandalise Shiroro-Katampe Towers 244 to 245 Transmission Line, Conductors Stolen

Global Upfront
The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) reports that one of its critical infrastructures, the Shiroro-Katampe 330kV transmission line, has been vandalized, making the fifth such...
Breaking NewsBusinessCoverNews

Vandals Destroy TCN’s Tower 70 Along 330kV Gwagwalada-Katampe Transmission Line And Owerri-Ahoada 132kV Towers Again, Steal Accessories – Mbah

Global Upfront
The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) on Wednesday lamented that its Tower 70 along its 330kV Gwagwalade -Katampe Transmission line “has been vandalised with the...

ISWAP Terrorists’ Vandals Bring Down Towers T372, T373 On Gombe-Damaturu 33OkV SC Transmission Line, TCN Commence Reconstruction, Sues For Patience

Global Upfront
The North East region will experience darkness as Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists blow up three, 330Kva poles in KAISASA village located between...

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