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UK: Sandhurst Military Instructors Had 19 Flings With Female Cadets As Top General Vows To ‘Hold To Account’ Anyone Breaching Army’s ‘Values And Standards’

  • Report highlighted flings at Sandhurst as factor in death of Olivia Perks, 21, who was in secret relationship with Army gym instructor before taking own life
  • Army inquiry found many of the relationships involved older male instructors and female cadets under their supervision 

Nineteen banned sexual relationships were taking place between Sandhurst instructors and cadets shortly before a trainee took her life, a damning official report has revealed.

It highlighted the number of flings at the Royal Military Academy in Berkshire as a factor in the death of Olivia Perks, 21.

She was in a secret relationship with an Army gym instructor in the months before her death. The trainee was found dead in her room in February 2019 in the first case of a female Sandhurst cadet taking her life.

Of the 30 trainees in her platoon, five were believed to be having flings with senior colleagues. The other 14 relationships involved staff and cadets from other platoons.

Olivia Perks was found dead in her room in February 2019 in the first case of a female Sandhurst cadet taking her life

Olivia Perks was found dead in her room in February 2019 in the first case of a female Sandhurst cadet taking her life

Intimate relationships between staff and trainees were strictly forbidden at Sandhurst (pictured) – but a 300-page report suggested instructors frequently flaunted the rules

Intimate relationships between staff and trainees were strictly forbidden at Sandhurst (pictured) – but a 300-page report suggested instructors frequently flaunted the rules

An Army inquiry found many of the relationships involved older male instructors and female cadets under their supervision. Intimate relationships between staff and trainees were strictly forbidden at Sandhurst – but the 300-page report suggested instructors frequently flaunted the rules.

It said: ‘This behaviour undermined the chain of command and was completely unacceptable in a training establishment.

‘Staff were prepared to take the risk and contravene the rules and regulations. This risk-taking behaviour could have been misinterpreted by the officer cadets as an accepted norm and may explain why there was such an involvement with staff members at this time.

‘During 2018, 19 relationships occurred between staff and cadets. Other examples of inappropriate behaviour included a colour sergeant [instructor] boasting on parade of sexual relations with an officer cadet on the night of their commissioning.

‘There was ultimately a complete misunderstanding of values and standards by the individuals concerned.

‘The findings of the inquiry indicate several contributory factors. The situation was exacerbated by limited enforcement of the academy alcohol policy and a local culture of staff fraternisation and inappropriate relationships with officer cadets under their care.’

'I am utterly determined we continue to foster the culture needed to ensure the Army remains a great institution', General Sir Patrick Sanders (pictured, right) said yesterday

‘I am utterly determined we continue to foster the culture needed to ensure the Army remains a great institution’, General Sir Patrick Sanders (pictured, right) said yesterday

The report said there was also a lack of support for Miss Perks who had been identified as a suicide risk. Commanders apparently failed to make allowances for her vulnerability.

The inquiry heard that two nights before her death she spent time with another instructor.

The man was disciplined after Miss Perks was seen leaving his room. She denied anything untoward happened and felt guilty when he was banished from the college and demoted.

Spending the night in his room also led to Miss Perks being humiliated the following morning.

Witnesses said instructors shouted at her as she returned to her accommodation still wearing her ball gown from a formal event the night before. The embarrassing scene was witnessed by colleagues who were standing to attention on the parade square.

After the incident Miss Perks apparently convinced herself she would be dismissed from Sandhurst – which was not the case. The trainee, from Kingswinford, West Midlands, was only a fortnight away from completing her 44-week course when she died.

A number of staff face disciplinary action over her death.

The inquiry recommended 61 changes to welfare procedures at Sandhurst.

Events surrounding her death led to Defence Secretary Ben Wallace issuing a severe dressing-down to top brass amid fears that standards of conduct were slipping.

Last night Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Patrick Sanders, said: ‘I am utterly determined we continue to foster the culture needed to ensure the Army remains a great institution – one that is great to be in for everyone and maintains the trust, respect and affection of the nation we protect and serve.’

He stressed: ‘Those whose behaviour is found to be unacceptable or is in breach of our values and standards, or those who willfully ignore or tolerate such behaviour, will be held to account.

‘I wish to extend my deepest condolences to Olivia’s family and friends and to personally thank them for their fortitude and support throughout this inquiry.’ A full inquest into Miss Perks’ death is due to be held next year.

First published in Daily Mail (UK)

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