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Peter Obi: Times & Seasons Of Nigeria’s Man Of The Moment

By Abuchi Obiora

Mr. Peter Obi is undoubtedly Nigeria’s man of the moment. His emergence as the presidential flag bearer of the Labour Party in Nigeria has introduced a third, indomitable force in Nigerian politics with ripples of his brilliance and eloquence reverberating around the world.

Born one of the sons of Josephat and Agnes Obi in Onitsha on 19th July 1961, Mr. Peter Gregory Onwubuasi Obi is from Agulu town in Aniocha Local Government Area of Anambra State. He attended his primary school in Onitsha and gained admission to the Christ the King College (C.K.C) Onitsha from where he proceeded to obtain a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

Thereafter, he attended the Lagos Business School where he was later to be honored with the second distinguished Alumni Award for 2014. Some of his academic qualifications were obtained from the Harvard Business School, the London School of Economics, the Columbia Business School, the Institute for Management Development, the Kellog School of Management of Northwestern University, Saiid Business School of Oxford University, the Judge Business School of Cambridge University, etc.

An International Businessman, Banker and Politician who prefers simply to call himself a trader, Mr. Peter Obi served as Governor of Anambra State from March to November 2006; February to May 2007; and June 2007 to March 14th, 2014.  He changed the election calendar in Anambra State when he survived impeachment as the Governor of Anambra State after a stiff legal tussle between progressive forces and reactionary elements in the state. He is happily married to Mrs. Margaret Brownson Obi (nee Usen) and they have two children: Oseloka (Male) and Gabriella (Female).

He left the PDP shortly before the Presidential Primary of the Party, accusing some Presidential candidates of the party of having perfected arrangements to spend many millions of dollars for vote-buying during the Primaries. He immediately joined the Labour Party where he emerged the party’s Presidential candidate in Asaba in May 2022, for the 2023 Presidential polls.

In today’s discourse, I will be going out of my normal socio-political analytics to a knowledge perspective which most people are not conversant with. I will draw your attention, esteemed reader, to a knowledge perspective within which foray I have traversed for four and half decades acquainting myself with what is regarded in some intellectual fora as wisdom of the ancients. I call this knowledge perspective Esoteric Science and Transcendental Arts.

What is Esoteric Science and Transcendental Arts? Esoteric Science and Transcendental Arts is the pristine originating point of all knowledge perspectives presently available to modern scientific civilization. It embodies all the lost or forgotten knowledge perspectives, most of which were originally grouped and founded under the general sub-knowledge perspectives of astrology, astronomy, agronomy, philosophy etc. These were further sub-divided as pure science (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography etc) and Human Science (Biology, Psychology, Parapsychology, Levitation, Animal Magnetism, etc.) Some of these studies as Parapsychology, Levitation, Animal Magnetism, etc., are yet to gain universal recognition in conventional Universities though they are already being offered as distinct professional courses in some specialized institutions of higher learning around the world, especially in the eastern hemisphere.  With this background knowledge, let us go straight to discuss the subject-matter of this week’s discourse.

Every human being, to a lesser or higher degree, responds to the lunar influence (influence of the moon), depending on the configurations of the heavenly bodies on their exact natal time and date (time and date of birth). Insects, especially cockroaches, respond to lunar influences. Even plants, lower and higher animals all respond to lunar influences. Lunar sensitivity is higher in mentally challenged people whose mental clock (the pituitary gland) no more collaborates well enough with the ever-changing phases of the moon. For this reason, some mentally challenged persons whose mental derangements are known to peak at certain phases of the moon are called lunatics. Seasoned psychiatrists must be conversant with the details of this information which I need not elaborate here for lack of space.

My purpose here is to give an insight to the favourable astrological configurations of a man, Mr. Peter Obi, which easily present him as the perfect founding father of a new Nigeria, when he is voted into power. I present this discourse, believing that proven knowledge can never fail.

Mainly P. Hall, in the book “An Encyclopaedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabballistic and Rosicrucian Symbolic Philosophy” says that “To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wondering about in a great library without touching the books”. Elias Ashmole, a Philosopher and an Alchemist also added that “…the wisdom of policy of our (spiritual) fathers was finding ways of both how to teach and how to conceal”.

For the reason of the above two separate but related opinions, my expectation here is not that I would be understood or even if understood, be concurred with when I discuss such knowledge perspectives as I hereby present.  Naturally in life, only a few would attain the mountaintop, who are able to sort out the wheat from the chaff of a mirage of different knowledge perspectives in the great school of life called the earth. For the readers who will understand me, I want to draw out some supporting evidence that my discussion this week does not go outside the boundary of knowledge that is admissible, albeit, unknowingly as true, even by the religious organizations. I intend to draw out this evidence from one of my books written with the pseudonym, Rabbi Abram A. ben-Uriel. That book mentioned above is titled “The Flaming Sword”. Among other things, the book, “The Flaming Sword” aligns Christian religious wisdom with the evolving scientific thoughts, observing misconceptions and misrepresentations of some Christian religious leaders who lack the requisite knowledge to correctly interpret the Old Testament Portion of the Holy Bible.

“The Flaming Sword” says “…another subject that enlists the condemnation of the Church is Astrology. Some people would want us to believe that to peep into the ancient science of Astrology is both satanic and unwholesome. This position by the Church is both contradictory and insincere. It is also a doublespeak. At best, it is falsehood for the following reasons:

  1. The birth of Jesus Christ was first known and announced by ‘wise men from the east’ who relied  heavily on the heavenly bodies (the  stars ) for their predictions. These ‘wise men from the east’ were first class Astrologers known to the people of that time and recognized by King Herod. They were not prophets as some Christian religious teachers will like us to believe”.
  •  The gifts of Gold, Mar and Frankincense by these ‘wise men’ to the infant Jesus were symbolic of the great spiritual status of Jesus Christ, and this symbolism is understood till this day both in Astrology and amongst the Orthodox Jews of the Judaist religion.
  • “Thirdly…in the tables and rules for the moveable and immovable feats….of Christianity published by the Church of England, Anglican Communion (The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments: The Church of England) adopted by all the Anglican Churches around the world (including church of Nigeria, Anglican communion), it is recorded that “Easter day (on which the rest of all Christian moveable feasts including the Pentecost Day, the Resurrection Day, etc. adopted by all Christian denominations around the world depend) is always the first Sunday after the full moon which appears on or after the 21st day of March and if full moon appears on a Sunday, Easter day is the Sunday after…”

“The revelation in that document further adds that ‘Advent Sunday’ is always the ‘nearest Sunday’ to the Feast of Saint Andrew’ whether before or after and so on, and so forth…” adding that, “…..March 21st, the Gregorian Calendar date upon which the calculation of Easter Feast is based, corresponds to the lunar date of Spring Equinox, the first day of Aries which is the first group in the astrological signs of zodiac, widely regarded by the ancient astrologists and modern mystery schools as the actual beginning of all life on Earth, hence the real and true beginning of every year …. It is also important to know that all life on earth come anew about this time of the year…”

Confirming the veracity of this research, “The Flaming Sword” says, “The truth is that the first day of the first full moon after the Spring Equinox (March 21) is actually the first day of a new year, and not January 1st as recorded in Gregorian Calendar…..the outstanding and bigger truth is that the determination of all Christian moveable feasts including Easter celebrations (as also in the Islamic feasts of the Eid Kabir, Eid Fitri, Eid Maulud etc) are based on the lunar cyclic rhythms of life which itself is subsumed in the fullness, completeness, and miracle of seven…” (For analyses on the miracle of seven, see another book by Rabbi Abram A. ben-Uriel, titled, “WOMAN: The Mystery, the Secrets”). Why is there this misunderstanding of the times and seasons of life by people of the present world? “The Flaming Sword” concludes, by answering that…”the early articulators of religious doctrines (like Moses) have the knowledge of  Jewish Kabala and were versed in ancient mysteries…. “Kabalists know that a set of oral laws and practices were given to Moses by God for the Jews at the same time the ten commandments were handed down to him…..

“A Hebrew scholar, Adin Steinsaltz, in the book, “The Essential Talmud” describes these oral laws as the ‘central pillar supporting the entire spiritual and intellectual edifice’ of the religion of Judaism…“But the new religions (Christianity and Islam) which adopted and modified the holy works of the ‘Hebrew document’ (notably the Torah, the Nev’im and the Kathurin which make up the Pentateuch – the five books of Moses – and the other books of the Old Testament), did not pay any attention to this ‘central pillar…..”this neglect robbed the new religions the access to deeper spectra of knowledge of the Hebrew documents and exposed the religions to shallow and discordant interpretations and misinterpretations of the Holy scriptures they presently carry”.

The subject–matter of Astrology is one of the issues I have against the politics of organized Christendom because its rejection of it deviates totally from the proper perception of Christianity and the universal, all-encompassing understanding of the works of Jesus Christ on Earth as the complete and perfect way of life expected of all human beings on earth.  The recommended perfect way of life by Jesus Christ (which he lived out himself in his brief sojourn on earth) is in line with all the natural principles and the extant laws of God, as have been proven overtime in the history of man. I have elaborately discussed this subject matter in a little book which I title; “Lost legacies of the Church” also written with the pseudonym, Rabbi Abram A. ben-Uriel.

Having gone extensively to get a background knowledge of what this week’s discourse is all about, let us go straight away to observe the man,  Peter Obi, (born under the Astrological zodiac  influence of Cancer – July 19th), from the perspective of  Esoteric Science and Transcendental Art of Astrology. Astrological zodiac signs are divided under twelve major groups, each of which underscores a general but localized character trait for the members of a group. These are Aries “(March 21st – April 20th); Taurus (April 21st – May 21st); Gemini (May 22nd – June 21st); Cancer (June 22nd – July 23rd); Leo (July 24th – August 23rd); Virgo (August 24th – September 23rd); Libra (September 24th – October 23rd); Scorpio (October 24th – November 22nd); Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 21st); Capricorn (December 22nd – January 20th); Aquarius (January 21st –  February 19th); Pisces (February 20th – March 20th).

It must be noted that specific natal charts for pinning the exact character traits of individuals may be secured for that purpose with the exact birth time, place of birth and the day of the configurations from this should be able to give accurate positions of the heavenly bodies at the moment of birth. These specifics will provide all the details needed, through the analysis of computations obtained from a planetarium. There are planetariums around the world. There are some in Egypt. There is one in Nigeria.

In her book titled, “Sun Signs” (which is a compendium of detailed analysis of character traits of people born within the 12 astrological zodiac signs, and published by Pan Books Limited, London and Sydney, 1970), Linda Goodman says that the heart of a person born under the astrological zodiac sign of Cancer “is always soft and affectionate”. Like Nigerians have found out in the life of Peter Obi, she says that “….saving will be substantially more attractive to him than spending”, adding that … “ he is not exactly stingy” as some people, including Reverend Father Camillus Ejike Mbaka of the Adoration Ministries, Enugu, may think.

Observing the Cancerian’s penchant for wealth creation, Linda Goodman says that “He could probably add a column of figures in his head before he learned the alphabet…”, stressing his capacity to conceal his wealth by saying that ”…you’ll feel sorry and offer to get him a loan at the Bank” Linda Goodman therefore advises, “Don’t.  He probably owns part of it (part of the bank!)”.

In another book “ASTROLOGY: Your Guide to the Stars” published by Tophi Books (1993), the unanimous authors say that people born under the influence of Cancer “do exceedingly well “….in political or business matters, once they have formed what they regard as solid or final opinion, they seldom, if ever change it”.  The authors also say that “……once (such people) have instituted anything, they will meet all opposition”.  To underscore the resilience of Cancerians in the pursuit of what they believe in, the authors of the book observed what they call “….staid traits of patience and conservatism” in Cancerians and “….the singleness of purpose which is the feature of this sign”.

To cap up its assessment of the character traits of persons born under the crab sign (crab is the symbol of the Cancer sign), ”ASTROLOGY: Your Guide to the Stars” says that “These persons set themselves a pattern, or like an architect, draw up a blueprint that can be followed through to its conclusion come rain or shine, hell or high water, they will ride through it…”

Another source of our reference and explanatory information here will come from the book, Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life”, by Harvey Spencer Lewis, Ph.D, F.R.C (Rosicrucian Library, Volume III, 1929). In identifying seven ‘soul cycles’ on which every human being must fall into one at birth, Dr. Lewis utilized the day after the Spring Equinox (March 22nd) as the starting point of the first out of the seven soul cycles within a complete lunar (and not Gregorian calendar) year. This calculation approximates to a 52 day tenor for each of the seven soul cycles in a year.

Having applied this computation, I found out that July 19th, the natal day of Mr. Peter Obi, falls into the Polarity A of the Period 3 of the soul cycle. According to Dr. Lewis,  “…….people born within this period have a strong constitution, a fiery impetuous nature, and the will power and ability to accomplish against great odds, if there is sufficient motive and encouragement”. He further sees “them to be bold, confident invincible characters in the achievement of any great purpose”, adding that “they will most generally succeed as leaders in great movements calling for strong, masterful leadership.”

Dr. Harvey Spencer Lewis concluded by saying that “These persons make good leaders …and they are often associated with political or reform movements for they love conquests and can carry an issue to victory”.

World history from B.C.E (Before Common Era) or B.C (Before Christ) unto the Common Era (C.E.) period or A.D. (After Death of Christ) is replete with personalities born during the astrological zodiac sign of Cancer, who contributed immensely to the reformation of human society either through their military conquests or their contribution to the emergence of new social order around the world.

These personalities include, but are not limited to: Julius Caesar: Roman Military general and politician (July 1st 0100 B.C); Alexander the Great: King of Macedon and Conqueror of the then world (July 20th, 0356 A.D); Professor Wole Soyinka: Noble laureate and Professor of Literature (July 13th 1934); the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet: The indefatigable Tibetan political and spiritual leader (July 6th, 1935); Nelson Mandela: Legendary anti-apartheid activist and first President of post-apartheid South Africa (July 18th 1918); Franz Fanon: Martiniquais writer, Psychiatrist, Philosopher and Revolutionary who adopted Algerian citizenship (July 20th, 1925); Angela Merkel: Chancellor of Germany (July 17th 1954).

The versatility and successes of Mr. Peter Obi in so many endeavors of life is a true reflection of the crab-like approach and movement of persons born within the astrological zodiac sign of Cancer when they kill many birds with one stone and in a single attempt. Like the crab, they move craftily to a target, clinch it on their claws, and devastate it with utmost precision.

The ides of March for which Julius Caesar was forewarned by a ‘soothsayer’ against conspiracy by his bosom friends was actually calculated by the phases of the moon. The ‘soothsayer’ was a freelance astrologist.  At that time, there were so many of such experts in esoteric science and transcendental arts who generally were well regarded by the nobles who, though they took their predictions seriously, relegated them to the place of Commoners. Some nobles including King David and King Solomon had so many of such men as courtiers in the kings palaces for spot advice. Many of them were not actually prophets like some Bible teachers will want us to believe. They were astrologers.

During the B.C.E period and early century C.E period, people like Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Empedocles, Heraclitus, Descartes etc., were astrologers apart from their expertise in different areas of specialization.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, found out that successful complex surgeries involving some specific internal organs of the body that are basically guided by lunar influences can only be performed at certain periods of the lunar phases during which time the moon must be disposed to instituting healing on those parts of the body, otherwise crisis may occur that most possibly will lead to the death of the patient, was an astrologer.

Hippocrates found out and recorded that not abiding by this simple natural law which can only be known through a computation of the configurations of elemental forces and heavenly bodies as they affect the patient, accounts for the explicable deaths in the operating tables, as a result of bleeding, or after the operations, as a result of unexpected relapse when the doctors must have done their best. The fact that medical scientists have developed different techniques and equipment to manage complications and reduce or eliminate deaths in the hospitals  as a result of unforeseeable developments after surgery have nothing to do with this natural law. The details of this are the subject matter of a discourse for another day.

Even in Africa, the reason our distant grandparents harvested better quality crops good for complete health of the body without making use of fertilizer is that they recognized the need to use the ancient wisdom of agronomy to plant their crops abiding to the favourable periods of the moon phases.  The phases of the moon also have definite and determinable influence on financial investments. It is on record that J.P. Morgan, the founder of the world famous investment group seldom made a move in the stock market without consulting Evangeline Adams, an astrologer who was the granddaughter and great granddaughter of John Quincy Adams and John Adams respectively.  These two generations of Adams before their grand and great granddaughter, respectively, were renowned astrologers in their different times.

Astrology, therefore, is a science, pure science based on mathematical calculations of some fixed laws of God and the times and seasons of life in the manner that 24 hours makes a day, and dawn must come after the dusk. It has nothing to do with superstition or religious faith. Whether you believe in it or not, it works on you. The truth in the success some people have with natural laws is that they unknowingly abide by those laws through both righteousness and intuition as they are always guided by the Holy Spirit. This therefore, must not take the place of conscious knowledge.

The ‘Four Humors’ (Bodily Fluid/Sanguine; Blood/Choleric; Yellow Bile/Melancholic; and Phlegm/Phlegmatic) were discovered by the ancient astrologist and still recognized till this day by psychologists as the correct measures and descriptions of character of people. They are conducts of the estimation of levels of lunar sensibility on the emotional brain (the endocrine system) of every individual. Good management of the four humors in individuals still remains the best way to maintain good health and keep longevity. Individuals must aim at a balance of the four humors in their nature.

Finally on this expatiation of lunar influences on everything created by God including human beings, the recent surge of the oceans across Nigeria which are normally interpreted as floods could have been detected in advance by certain calculations of the moon phases because the moon effectively controls the tides and times of the water element on earth.  It could have been foreseen, and therefore be checked in advance if astrologers were involved. Phenology, a branch of science that studies natural events and seasons in order to understand the natural cycles of ecosystem utilizes lunar phases to a great advantage. Another branch of science, meteorology, which deals with the atmosphere and its phenomena including weather and climate cannot be exact in its predictions without the consideration of moon phases and their effects on the human environment. As a matter of facts, all the new, extant branches of environmental sciences started out from the primary study of astrology.

I must also observe, before I end this discourse that it must be by a special divine arrangement that Mr. Peter Obi’s running mate, Senator (Dr.) Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed shares in the characteristics exhibited in the  life of his friend and Presidential candidate of the Labour Party. Born on July 7th, 1969, Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, also belongs to the astrological zodiac sign of Cancer.

With this double advantage for Nigeria at a time the    country needs both empirical and divine touches, the future seem to be very bright with their joint victory in the polls during the 202 Presidential election.

I suppose also that Jewish Kabala numerology favours the victory of Mr. Obi in the 2023 presidential polls within the content of a divine dramatic cast in a trilogy of political stage drama sequentially seeking for objectification where Nigerians must play the roles of dramatis personnel in the unfolding political, yet real life drama.   

As for people who underrate the power of the crab,  (the zodiac symbol of Cancer) which Mr. Peter Obi and Senator (Dr.) Yusuf Baba-Ahmed represent, to cling on to its prey and bite off anything caught by its cranky teeth, Linda Goodman observes in her book, “Sun Signs” that “A taciturn expert at circumlocution he is”.  This quality is the hidden strength of the man born during the astrological zodiac sign of Cancer, the most probable  set of people on earth cosmically prepared by God to give humanity her most successful  silent revolutions that the world have ever had.


For: Global Upfront Newspapers


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