COVID 19 and the Growing Rate of Racism in America

FILE - In this June 1, 2020, file photo President Donald Trump departs the White House to visit outside St. John's Church in Washington. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

by Abuchi Obiora

Apart from the fact that the COVID 19 pandemic has caused sundry havocs in many countries across the world, it has exposed the growing rate of racism in the United States of America as it also has revealed the U.S political value swap which appears to be the major reason for the fast decline of Pan Americanism.

The world was shocked in disbelief when a top ranking health official in the U.S, an Afro-American woman raised an alarm over the suspicion that Afro-Americans were dying more from COVID-19 because they were being denied critical and life-saving access to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of   the U.S hospitals. She was not only the person who raised the alarm because she was collaborated across the states of the U.S with some Afro-Americans pointing at specific incidents. A case of multiple death of Afro-Americans in New York hospitals as a result of official conspiracy and neglect was reported 24 hours ago by Ms Sirotek, a nurse who witnessed racism first hand in several hospitals in that city.

Taking racism to an absurd end, Bill and Melinda Gate decided and worked assiduously to test their ill-fated COVID 19 vaccine on Africans, but there was a groundswell of opinion across the world especially from Africa, condemning and rejecting the Gates’ Greek gift.

Barak Obama, an Afro-American and a former President of the United States of America, wrote and addressed Africans in an emotion- laden missive, to reject Mr. Bill and Melinda Gates’ vaccines in its entirety.

It is the opinion of some skewed American whites that more Afro-Americans are dying of COVID-19 because they are lazy and cannot take care of themselves properly. Trump also wants us to believe that Afro-Americans are lazy. I do not think that Afro-Americans are lazy in spite of the man-made obstacles and disadvantages they have to contend with.

As a matter of fact, dark-skinned men and women are the strongest people in the world. They are mentally, emotionally, intellectually, physically and spiritually resilient amongst all the races of people on earth.

It will be hard to convince me that a race which produced the caliber of the great reformist, Martin Luther King, Jnr. with his dreams which came true with the Presidency of an Afro-American, Barak Hussein Obama is a lazy race.

Truth is that the racist business policy of ‘corporatocrasy’ (Courtesy: “Confession of an Economic Hitman” and “The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman” by John Perkins) has put an institutionalized limit in the laddar of corporate American business and socio-political empire to which an Afro-American can attain.

The ‘Miracle’ presidency of Barak Obama was possible because the Democratic Party, the better one among the two political party options, was involved.

But the last straw that broke the camel’s back and set America ablaze was the racially motivated murder of the 46year old Gorge Floyd, an Afro American, as a result of police brutality –a racial demon that is almost pulling down the Republican-controlled government of Donald Trump.

The United States of America is in turmoil because four Minneapolis Police Officers were incriminated in a nine-minute video of the gruesome murder of Gorge Floyd.

Mr. Donald Trump’s insensitivity and his warning to the protesting Afro-Americans after the death of Mr. Floyd that when the “looting starts, the shooting starts” stands tall as the world’s most recent racist and hate speech reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany. The reprisal action of Afro-Americans and the merciless beating of a white man who aimed an arrow on black Afro-American (was this symbolic of shooting animals? ) in Utah as a result of the murder of Gorge Floyd also confirms that racism is coming back in the U.S.

It was an irony in Trump America that while hundreds of Afro-Americans were dying of COVID-19 infection as a result of government lackluster attitude in responding quickly to their health needs, those of them who were on the streets to fetch their livelihood were not safe from marauding white American cops who were on strangling spree. The strangling of Gorge Floyd is one dead too many and awareness created by it must be used to restore the fleeting American political value system built on freedom and equity, which is being swapped with the ancient, primordial racist instincts that was displaced by the founding fathers of America.

A 71 year old three-time legendary Coach of NBA, and the present Coach of San Antonio Spurs, Mr. Gregg Popovich told Americans what all of us already know…. that Afro-Americans singlehandedly built America for 400 years with their sweat and blood. 

He said, “The only reason this Nation has made the progress it has made is because of the persistence, patience and efforts of black people… The history of our nation from the very beginning in many ways was a lie and we continue to this day, mostly black and brown people, to try to make that lie a truth so that it is no longer a lie.”

The Prosecutor in Gorge Floyds murder case said that Derek Chauvin, the white American policeman shown in the viral video who is suspected to be the officer that snuffed out Gorge Floyds’ life, “chased, hunted down and executed”.

Yes, that was the exact method used by the ancient white American slave masters to “chase, hunt down and execute” Afro-Americans extra-judicially in agricultural farms.

Maybe Derek Chauvin and his cohorts in racism do not know that the world has  changed, and this is exactly what Americans will be telling Mr. Donald Trump in November when he comes asking for a renewal of the American mandate for his presidency.

Former President Barack Obama was seen in public shedding tears – methinks not specifically for the death of one soul, the soul of Gorge Floyd, but for imminent death of an entire country, the death of the soul and traditional spirit of America.

‘Corporatocracy’, the American way, runs counter and exactly opposite to what the Masonic founding fathers of the United States of America intended to have by their definition of a ‘free world’ for humanity.

It is surprising to me that the United States of America throws it’s weight, albeit secretly, on many of the human right abuses going on in the world today

But not to worry, the U.S. is already paying dearly for derailing from the core objectives of her founding fathers because this value swap is the major reason for the decline of Pan Americanism. What is understood today as the U.S foreign policy gives the façade of a free nation especially as pertains to her immigration policy, but in practical terms, the opposite is the case.

Primarily to the reason for Pan American decline is that America has missed her path. America was founded and established by Masonic mystic philosophers who believed in the equality of all men before God. Their group aspiration is summarized in the phrase ‘In God We Trust’. Those mystics, versatile as they were, wanted to idealize ‘heaven’ on earth by enshrining the principle of equity, oneness and above all, freedom in the constitution of the new nation.

America started getting it right by freeing slaves and preaching the gospel of one humanity.

The metamorphoses from multi-party system to a dual party system where the administration of the country has to be polarized on two extreme ideologies was another reason America is failing. With this, the multiple voices of the silent majority were summarized and muddled into two extreme political belief systems. Dissolving the center, this system denied the vast majority people the space, a space that should accommodate the moderate view.

The system became ‘we and them’. Consummated in John Perkins ‘Corporatocracy’, the ‘we’ hijacked America for themselves, leaving they ‘them’ to trail behind.

The first generation of American successful businessmen and industry moguls were not actually men endowed with subtle hearts. To say the least, most of them, with profits in their minds, emerged to rip off the innocent and developing American society. The men who established the first American rail lines and agricultural farms, built chains of businesses including owning the earliest crude oil sites in the United States of America worked counter to the aspirations of the founding fathers of America whose motives were not essentially profit.

This second set of men laid the foundation of the now crumbling American corporate business empire, driven by ambition and greed. 

It only needed the outburst in the world of COVID-19 and deft socio-political and economic maneuvers by China to reveal the weakness of the Political dreaded American empire.

By biting the finger that fed it and relegating Afro-Americans to the background, American now suffers for her iniquities.

If China has succeeded to strike at the very jugular of American civilization, it is because, like the Biblical Ichabod, the American glory has long departed. The story of America, like that of Rome (Hellenic Civilization), Britain (Britania) and the Celtic Civilization (Greek), serve to warn countries and civilizations who derail from the original aspirations of the founding fathers who institutionalized civilization cycles that could be regenerated ad infinitum, but prefer to rush with greed and close up the cycles they could explore.

Truth is that world civilizations run and expire in cycles which start and regenerate with the continuous replication of the aspirations of their founding fathers. You may stretch the limits of these cycles as much as you can in so far as you do not exceed their expansive limits where they must break – which means stretching them in areas outside their courses. Driving a civilization outside the bounds of the group aspirations of her founding fathers tantamount to stretching it beyond its expansive limit.

The foundation of America was laid on altruism by some of the most beautiful souls that ever traversed the earth. I feel deeply sad that greed, avarice and hatred for Afro-Americans have taken a dangerous toll on what ordinarily should be the best model of human co-existence on earth. I feel deeply sad, too, that the contributions of Abraham Lincoln to the free world is fast being dismantled by hawks in power.

Some people will ask: how does it concern me? It concerns me because the efforts of my Afro-American brothers on whose blood (when the sick ones were thrown overboard to the sea from slave ships en-route America and others die of suffering and fatigue in plantations, the rail lines, and the early oil rigs) which built the American nation – who were liberated by Abraham Lincoln’s – inspired proclamation on slavery – are being rubbished by a generation of hawks masquerading in a Rightist Party that is working very hard to destroy the world.

To digress briefly so that Nigeria may learn from the history of America, the reason for the tottering socio-political dice in Nigeria is because of a foundation mistake in her conception. A dubious amalgamation which did not have the support of the indigenous ethnic nationalities in Nigeria was hoisted on her. None of the sons and daughters of the indigenous ethnic nationalities was consulted and they were not privy to the hushed British-sponsored document in 1914 which historically secured Nigeria from Britain without empirical socio-economic evidence of freedom.

The anomaly in the foundations of Nigeria was almost corrected by the semi-autonomous regional government system and later a unitary system that was modelled in a confederate way.

But these were not allowed to be by the agents of a dubious central and executive system of government of a privileged class of cabals from one ethnic nationality with paid protégés and surrogates drawn from the other ethnic nationalities across the country.

Their conspiracy which was midwifed by an illegitimate military junta that usurped power by force gave Nigeria an executive Presidential system of government which deprives member states the autonomy that the fifty states in America from where they copied the executive presidential system, enjoy.

The comparison here between America and Nigeria is important because it reveals two extreme conditions which must be avoided. That is, no matter how far you have walked the wrong road (as we have done in Nigeria) you cannot get it right until you hit the right road, in the same manner that you can never get it right on the wrong road (like America) when you stroll away and deviate from the right road.

To be on the right road, you must get it right once and all the time. That is by the way.

The first question is: how did America get to where she is, to her present weak position?

The abandoned orphans and twin brothers Romulus and Remus co-founded Rome on April 21, 753BC on a site where they were suckled by a she-wolf. MC Anthony, Octavian and Lepidus destroyed Rome with a divisible, uncertain and impractical formula called second triumvirate that was ripped off with hatred, competition, avarice, ambition and jealousy. 

The second question is: how can America come back to her original strength and position?

It is important to understand that the decline of the Roman Empire started with the conspiracy to topple Julius Caesar which led to his murder by his bosom friend, Decius Brutus, in much the same way the decline of the American Empire started with the male chauvinist conspiracy which prevented the most suitable candidate at that time to address the problems of America and the world, Hilary Clinton, to ascend the US Presidency. Mrs. Clinton, in the nature of a mother, would have rebuilt America and the world. 

To answer the second question…. present American Leaders including Heads of Corporations and Politicians must allow their political philosophy to align back with the dreams and aspirations of the founding fathers of America. 

I am very certain that the type of political debate, dialogue and balance which brought Mr. Barack Obama to the U.S presidency and Mrs. Hilary Clinton close to that same office in the Democratic Party, would be non-existent in the Republican Party. Americans should observe this and know what their problems are.

It is not in doubt that the last vestiges of what remains of the true spirit of America may be found only in the Democratic Party. Though America is rightly or wrongly reputed for her resilience in fixed political values, I am not so sure that core and true democratic values are not fast vanishing from the United States social and economic fabric.

The number of Afro-Americans who died from COVID-19 as a result of neglect and/or racially-related conducts of the American health authorities, where it was alleged that Afro-Americans were racially segregated against in the emergency and intensive care Units of U.S hospitals implicated the truth about the decline of the core values of freedom and equity for all races, upon which America was built, and with it, the glory of America.

The emergence of Donald Trump as a U.S President came like a bolt from the blues. Feared because of his unpredictable nature even in his own Republican Party, Donald Trump defeated several odds from his Party’s election Primaries to the nation’s Presidential election almost four years ago where he sneaked away with victory from a complex electoral college. The bubble almost got busted when complications arose as a result of suspected Russian involvement in Mr. Trump’s clinching of U.S presidency. He escaped impeachment by a hair’s breadth as a result of the alleged Russian involvement.

Mr. Trump’s survival of the impeachment proceedings was as a result of high level of political courage which he always applies, however slim his chances of survival may look, and his ability to impute multi-faceted shock in ruthless macho style to his political opponents.

Mr. Trump’s ability to take high-handed frontal attacks to either annihilate or sway unfavorable political opinions and turn them to his advantage has been the key factor which hitherto guaranteed him surviving many political and popularity setbacks. We shall see if this style will help him out this time around in his re-election bid come November, 2020.

Fortunately for him and white Americans but most unfortunately for Afro-Americans, this bold style of impunity is typical of the slave master’s administrative policy. 

With the recent revelations in the heightened tempo of racism in America, one can now identify those elusive and hidden forces that catapulted Mr. Trump to the high office of the U.S presidency. These elusive and hidden forces are racial sentiments and emotions. 

It is getting clearer to the world that what actually assisted Mr. Trump’s Presidency in the U.S was primordial racial instincts and discrimination by white Americans against the many races who took the U.S as their new-found home. These white aborigines, the indigenous people of America have always believed that they have the right to continue to enslave the descendants of Afro-Americans whom their fathers had used to build the country.

To dig deeper and study the silent policy of the government  in Moscow to blacks generally, including Afro-Americans, is to suspect that the Russian-connection in the clinching of U.S. presidency by Donald Trump may not actually  be a figment of the imagination of those U.S. officials who spilt the beans. The Russian connection may have been grounded on a racist agenda. 

In spite of these, there is still hope for American to return to her glory. The most touching event I have read recently about racism in America was when a white Houstonian Community in the U.S knelt down to apologize to Houstonian Afro-Americans on the incidences of racism meted against Afro-Americans.

This touching and heart-rending incident happened Sunday, May 31st, 2020 at Cunay Homes in the Third Ward of that community when a prayer was organized for the family of slain George Floyd.

The world must encourage such expressions of remorse for evils perpetrated against humanity, and Americans have no better time and way to jointly turn the table in favor of this love for humanity than during Mr. Trumps appeal for renewal of his presidential mandate.

Abuchi, Obiora,  policy analyst, can be reached through

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