Need For Quintessential Leadership In Anambra State

By Abuchi Obiora

The turn of any new election in Nigeria should give vent to the dawn of a quintessential leadership for the governance of any rung of the political ladder, be it at the local government level, state level, or the national level. At least, this is what it is supposed to be henceforth if the bad experiences of Nigerians in the hands of their political office holders, is anything to go by.

Nigerians have seen monumental wastes of their national resources by inept and inefficient governments operated by mediocre politicians and highly corrupted kleptomaniacs who freely dip their hands into the people’s common patrimony in stark disobedience to due process and the rule of law.

In Nigeria, the unwritten law has become that politicians-to-be must first swindle individuals and/or corporate bodies, use the swindled money to aspire and obtain political offices where they will perfect the act of swindling under the controversial immunity clause and turn into naked electric wires ready to electrocute anybody including the organized media and the Civil Rights groups who dare question their audacity to steal.

The truism that nature allows no vacuum makes it mandatory that Nigerians must continue to attend to their domestic and immediate issues of governance from the family, community, local government and state levels, and not fold their hands until their clamor for a well-defined, just and effective arrangement is secured at the national level.

Nigerians had busied themselves seeking for changes at the center as if the local government and state administrations are perfect and fool-proof. As a matter of fact, real reformation of the Nigeria polity should start from the local government and state levels because Nigerians have noticed a pattern whereby local government and state political players always find their ways to the central government where they blatantly exhibit the corrupt practices which they had incubated while at the lower tiers of government. The local government and the state politics are the effective feeder channels to the bigger politics of the center.

For this reason, Nigerians must learn to examine these potential dubious politicians through proper vetting in order to either stop them or clip their wings before they unleash terror to both Nigerians and our common patrimony. For this reason, too, the next governorship elections in Anambra state should signal the dawn of a quintessential leadership befitting the industrious Ndi Anambra.

Since I belong to no political party, my concern at the Kaleidoscope is to take an unbiased periscope of the people who are presently warming up, ready to take up the leadership of Anambra state for the next four years. As charity must begin at home, I must not keep quiet, but comment on what, in my opinion, is good for Anambra state.

Indeed, Anambra state is in the eye of the storm. Known for abuse of Federal Government sponsored projects where some governors parley with party members and contractors to swindle the state of billions of naira on never-to-be completed contracts to which certificates of completion are issued, Anambra state is a special case of the conspiracy of politician-businessmen who are never tired of accumulating wealth with their Abuja based allies as they consistently deny the state of federal projects whose payments are always recorded at Abuja to have been completed.

But for the industry and resilience in self-effort of Ndi Anambra, the state would have been one of the poorest in infrastructural development if the abuse of its resources by their politicians is anything to go by.

As if government have stopped being a continuum, Ndi Anambra recently heard the allegation of gross malfeasance by a sitting government who went to Abuja to heavily discount and collect payment for some state-owned bills to disenfranchise a future government during whose tenor such bills are expected to mature. What do they do with this money, you may ask? Trust my people, they use the money to expand their businesses, some of them projecting to buy over the state and add to their private investments.

It is high time Ndi Anambra looked for a core professional with impeccable records in his area of jurisdiction, untainted integrity, descent family and moral background, and not clouded sources of wealth, networking capacity, sense of philanthropy and above all, the fear of God, to man the ship of the state. My warning here is that not much attention should be paid on philanthropy because Ndi Anambra have discovered that, posing as philanthropists, former rogues and dubious business men whose track records the people are conversant with, hoodwink the people and buy both their consciences and votes with paltry sums of money which do not equate the huge amount they had stolen from public coffers, corporate bodies or individuals.

Such a professional with qualities as enumerated above exist in Anambra state in the person of Dr. (Chief) Amobi Nwokafor, the Agbako Agbako of Awka. Dr. (Chief) Amobi Nwokafor gives me the impression of a candidate in Anambra state who fits in very well with the profile and character of a quintessential leader for Anambra state of our common dream. With an unbiased mind, I have taken my time to study the life and times of the hordes of candidates presenting themselves in all the political parties competing to attain the governorship of Anambra state through the November 6th 2021 gubernatorial election and I found out that many of them have some hidden, clouded and crooked elements in their life history. Several others represent certain interests that are not compatible with the aspirations of Ndi Anambra who will normally seek for an enabling environment for their self-development efforts.

This, though, is my opinion but I hasten to ask the party politicians in Anambra state especially the APC political party representatives through whose combined effort to present their candidate for the elections in their Party Primaries in June 2021, must Dr. (Chief) Amobi Nwokafor attain the governorship of Anambra state, to verify my facts and decisively act accordingly not for self-interest, but for the good of Ndi Anambra.

Jim Rohn says, “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequences of consistently and constantly applying the basic fundamentals”. This is a summary of the character of the Igbos who are known to be diligent. Dr. (Chief) Amobi Nwokafor who is what Americans will call a ‘Home Boy‘ is really at home with these qualities which by the way, ensured his rise to the top in his Accountancy profession and other disciplines that he is conversant with. In my opinion, he is the quintessence, nay, a perfect example of all those noble values and ideals with which the Igbos are known.

I will not do more here in selling the candidacy of Dr. (Chief) Amobi Nwokafor by looking at his intimidating credentials which qualify him as the next executive governor in Anambra state. What I intend to achieve here is to call the attention of Ndi Anambra to this seemingly quite, silent, yet effective achiever with an all-round record in everything that is needed for the governance of a pace-setter state like Anambra state…. a man whose antecedents and integrity will be very difficult to beat by anybody presently standing to be nominated by his political party and elected by Ndi Anambra as their next governor.

I expect the dawn of a quintessential leadership in Anambra state come November 6th 2021 as the old must give way for the new and not the usual experience of recycling politicians who will not meet the hopes and aspirations of the people – the usual experience of having old and sour wine devoid of all nutritional values poured in new wine skins.

With the understanding of the APC party representatives and the joint effort of Ndi Anambra, the ‘Agu Awka’ government house must vibrate to the common wishes and aspirations of Ndi Anambra come November 6th 2021 with Dr. (Chief) Amobi Nwokafor, the Agbako Agbako of Awka, declared the executive governor of Anambra state.


For: Global Upfront Newspapers


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