Security: UNISFA Establishes First-ever Community Protection Committee In Northern Abyei

The United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) has inaugurated the first-ever Community Protection Committee (CPC) in the town of Diffra in Northern Abyei.

UNISFA Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Benjamin Olufemi Sawyerr, said that the inauguration of the CPC comprising 161 volunteers, including 7 women, was fully endorsed by the traditional leadership and the local administration to serve members in the Northern Sector of the Abyei Area and is ground-breaking.

According to a UNISFA statement, General Sawyerr announced that “the inauguration would be closely followed by strengthening of the criminal justice system by bringing on board courts such as traditional courts and other forms of courts within Municipal law to handle criminal matters reported at CPC stations.”

Sawyerr told the newly commissioned CPC members that in the absence of a well-structured police service, their vital role as CPC members in maintaining law and order is a security imperative.

“He charged them to shun corruption, high-handedness, and brutality in the discharge of their duties, stressing that UNISFA would immediately provide them appropriate basic policing education that would cover such areas as investigation, report writing, rights of detainees, search of suspects, and initiative-taking policing,” the statement added.

General Sawyerr called on the traditional leadership, the local administration, and the community members to accord the CPC full support and cooperation to enable them to discharge their duties for the benefit of the community.

“He stressed that with the CPC in place, there will be effective corroboration on matters of the rule of law in the Northern Sector between UNISFA and the local community in curbing criminality,” it read.  “He especially applauded the government of Sudan for accepting and authorizing the establishment of CPC in the northern sector.”

UNISFA Police Commissioner, Ms.Violet Nasambu Lusala, in her remarks stated that the CPC would be the face of the UN Police in enhancing rule of law in the community in the absence of the Abyei Police service.

“Where there is rule of law, there is no hatred or violence but love, peace, and development,” she said.

Commissioner Lusala added that the mission expects the CPC to play a key role on issues such as sexual and gender-based violence, cattle rustling, and theft and assured of UNPOL and UNISFA’s Support to enable them to successfully conduct their activities.

She also reminded the CPC members that whilst discharging their duties, they are expected to be unarmed as the only entities authorized to carry arms in the box by UNISFA mandates are UNISFA and the Abyei Police Service once established.

The Khartoum appointed Chief Administrator, Gumaa Dawood, applauded UNISFA’s resilience in ensuring the establishment of the CPC and said it was critical to peace and security in the area.

“The Representative of the Misseriya Paramount Chief, Aljak Suliman, pledged the cooperation and support of the traditional leadership, while the Women Representative appealed for inclusion of women to manage women-related issues including sexual and gender-based violence,” the UNISFA statement said.

The representative of the youth also pledged the support of the youth and requested increased youth participation as a guarantee for sustainable peace and stability in the area.

The first-ever Temporary CPC Station was also commissioned for Dari in Diffra during the occasion.

Until last Thursday, the CPC was only operational in the Southern part of the Abyei Area.

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