Nigeria In A Trilogy Of Divine Correspondence

By Abuchi Obiora

In one of my previous discourses in the Kaleidoscope Archives published on 15th October 2022, titled, “PETER OBI: Times and Seasons of Nigeria’s Man of the Moment”, I had extensively discussed what actually makes Mr. Peter Gregory Obi and Senator Datti Baba-Ahmed what the world has seen them to be. Somebody may need to refer back to that work.

This discourse wouldn’t have been necessary but to throw more light on so many cases of seemingly impossible yet most probable claims of some people to the effect that Mr. Peter Gregory Obi and Senator Datti Baba-Ahmed’s bid for the presidency and vice presidency of Nigeria respectively, is an act of God. Many ‘prophets’ and ‘sears’ both of the Christian faith and other religious organizations including the African Traditional Religion (ATR) have published what they claimed were ‘revealed’ to them by God about Mr. Peter Obi, and the man’s bid at the presidency.

Recently, Netizens were served with a viral video clip of burnt Arts shop with a painted portrait of Mr. Peter Obi as the only surviving piece of art work in a heap of ash and debris of what was originally different types of art works and possibly some office furniture. Could all these ‘revelations’, ‘prophecies’ and signs and wonders be true? My quick answer to this question is ‘Yes!’, and I will give reason both from the history of man and the religion to buttress the fact that those ‘revelations’, ‘prophecies’ signs and wonders are most likely to be true. Most importantly, I will draw some inspiration from a knowledge perspective – Esoteric Science and Transcendental Arts – which I have moderate knowledge of, having scrupulously studied it for almost five decades. I shall approach my explanation from the common perspective of what religions and many people refer to as ‘predestination’. Is there anything like ‘predestination?’ My answer, also is ‘yes!’.

In the King James Version of the Bible book of Jeremiah Chapter one, Verse five, it is written, “Before I formed thee in the belly I know thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee”. This statement by God talking to Jeremiah who God had long prepared to do some exploits for the Israelites proves scripturally the concept of ‘predestination’ for every human being born into the earth. In classical English literature, the playwright poet and noble, William Shakespeare (1564 – April 23, 1616) expresses deep thoughts about the royalty of being bequeathed with favourable ‘chances’ on earth by divine decree in these words, “Nature and fortune joined to make thee great: of Nature’s gifts thou mayst with lilies boast…”.  The playwright is confirming predestination for greatness in the above words.

Though it may seem abstract, my supporting argument drawn from Esoteric Science and Transcendental Arts in favour of the concept of predestination is anchored on the survival of the deep wealth of knowledge of the sages past. This survival is based especially on the natural process of elimination and displacement which ensures that no knowledge survives that is without relevance and practical application in the affairs of consecutive generations of people on earth. Secondly, I must observe that all the contributors to the advancement of human civilization were esoteric scientists and transcendental artists who doubled as philosopher-scientists. This observation was given an intellectual backing by Sir Francis Bacon in the seventeenth century.

Sir Francis Bacon (22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626), the 1st Viscount St. Alban, PC, Queen’s Counsel; also known as Lord Verulam, an English philosopher and statesman who served as the Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England, theorized in his less known passion as a scientist (he is regarded today as the father of scientific empiricism) that “Scientific knowledge must come from the careful observation of nature filtered through inductive reasoning”.

Sir Francis Bacon’s Theory of ‘scientific empiricism’ confirms that philosophers can be scientists (because all of them do inductive reasoning) but not all scientists (especially the modern copy-cat scientists most of whom do deductive reasoning) can be philosophers. His theory reveals why such early philosophers as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Empedocles, Galileo, Heraclitus, Hippocrates and recently Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Boyle, Rene Descartes, to mention but a few, double as the world’s most astounding scientists. This means to say that any knowledge that has ever been espoused that ended up in scientific empiricism with a fixed and an established process or system was first mooted as a philosophy by a philosopher.

In line with the above thought, the major purpose of this discourse is to give a scientific proof to the concept of predestination which is the underlining factor trailing the emergence in Nigeria of the OBI-DATTI presidential ticket. I also want to observe that predestination is the only reason why everything seems to be going so good for the duo. Has anybody asked why there has been so much confusion in the camps of other contenders to the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at this time that Mr. Peter Obi is in the race? Why has every innocent move of the other candidates turned out to be mistakes which always favour Mr. Peter Obi’s candidacy?

Predestination is not only scriptural but can also be proved, and actually have been proved by existing, subsisting and calculable scientific laws that consistently and uniformly apply when all the conditions are right for their manifestation. I discussed these scientific laws in that work, “PETER OBI: Times and Seasons of Nigeria’s Man of the Moment” where I listed, among other things, lunar influences and the conditions of the elemental bodies and the positions of the heavenly bodies at the time of one’s birth as contributory factors that chart the course of a predestined life.

It is an unfortunate development in the dissemination of knowledge that the core pristine values upon which all knowledge perspectives derive their existence are quietly evaporating as man rushes to simplify knowledge to suit his present incapacity for inductive reasoning and originality. The dearth of philosopher-scientists and the emergence of copy-cat scientists in modern world has widened the gulf between the operation of the divine clock as encapsulated in a predestined cosmos with stable, natural and self-sustaining laws of life on one side, and the blind application of the physical laws of the sciences with its finite, unstable, ephemeral features on the other side, and this has consequently become a threat to the survival of the ecosystem with an obvious, yet impending catastrophe of reversing the universal timetable to its previous pristine mass.

The above intellectual analyses of predestination is by the way and serve our purpose here only to appreciate the scientific anchor of this discourse and inevitably take us to the point where we can take a scientific and knowledge-informed prophecy of what a Peter Obi Presidency may have for Nigeria.

Before we get into the ‘prophecy’, I recognize that, perhaps, this is the best time to say something about the true concept of God and the potency of the Latin language maxim, ‘Vox populi, Vox Dei’ (the voice of the people is the voice of God). The response of people to the duo of Mr. Peter Gregory Obi and Senator Datti Baba-Ahmed is actually the voice of God speaking. God tends to yield to the opinion of the majority.

While God speaks with signs and wonders so many of which Nigerians have heard and witnessed in the last seven to eight months of Peter Obi’s entrance into the presidential race, it behooves on people to pay attention to those signs and wonders. Signs and wonders are, very often, unusual phenomena as witnessed in the manner a carriage horse spoke to Balam in the Bible on his way to persecute the Israelites. Though God may speak with signs and wonders to people, God is absolutely incapable of doing something without the cooperation of man. This is the spiritual implication of the Latin language maxim, ‘Vox populi, Vox Dei.

God uses human beings to complete HIS work on earth. Without human beings, it is impossible to bring to fruition the designs of God on earth. In the law of empiricism which operates within the general mystical principle of ‘As above, so Below”, the critical factor is that man must key-in to the master plan of God to assist in the practical realization of the plans of God for him on earth or suffer the consequences of his neglect or inaction, thereafter. This is to say that predestination can actually be ruined through neglect or inaction.

The OBI-DATTI presidential ticket of the Labour Party in Nigeria is not actually an accident because accidents, in the simple manner people understand them, never occur anytime in the life of human beings, corporate beings and all other entities, including nations.

As a person, individual consciousness and the stage of evolution apply as the driving force for the manifestation of empirical realities, while the group consciousness and the national stage of evolution apply as the driving force for a country like Nigeria to achieve the common expectation of the people. Is it not possible that the group consciousness of Nigerians, having been sensitized by injustice, has been awakened to throw up the OB-DATTI presidential ticket? There is no greater force exercised by men on earth than that pulled by an idea whose time has come.

In all the things that has happened since Mr. Peter Obi entered the presidential race, I could see the combined influence of what I may call life force and Kharma, both individual and group. These, anyway, are other ways to express the divine concept of predestination.

To throw further light on the divine concept of predestination, let me now borrow wisdom from my specialized and interesting knowledge perspective – esoteric science and transcendent arts. Candidly speaking, I have found out that this specialized knowledge explains the guiding principles in the belief in one God, nay monotheism, upon which the foundation of the three Middle Eastern religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) were founded. Never mind that there have been distortions appearing overtime in the doctrines and practice of these religions.

While talking generally about Esoteric Science and Transcendental Arts, I will rely specifically, on Jewish Kabala numerology to enact my ‘scientific, knowledge-informed’ prophecy about Mr. Peter Gregory Obi, Senator Datti Baba –Ahmed, and Nigeria. In daring to ‘prophecy’, I suppose that Jewish Kabala numerology favour the victory of Mr. Peter Obi in the 2023 presidential polls thus: 2+0+2+3=7. The Heptad (number seven) is the completing sign of perfection symbolizing the end of suffering for Nigerians through whichever direction they decided to go. This is the first non-accidental correspondence in the trilogy of divine plan in favour of Nigeria.

If the present divine setting for the recovery of Nigeria is given a vent, I foresee a sixteen year golden period of reinventing Nigeria through the combined effort of Nigerians united beyond their ethnic nationalities during the eight year a-piece presidential tenors of President Peter Gregory Obi and President Datti Baba Ahmed. These sixteen years (1+6=7), yielding again the Heptad, that is, the completing number seven provides us with the second correspondence in the trilogy of divine master plan for the recovery of Nigeria.

The most interesting revelation of the Jewish Kabala numerology in this prophecy is the year when the combined tenors of the two Labour Party Presidents will end. By 2039 when the last of the two Presidents will be leaving office, a computation is made thus; 2+0+3+9=14; reducing further to the single digit: 1+4=5. This third and final computation in the Trilogy of divine correspondence, if the first and the second correspondences take place, will undeniably usher in Nigerians into the league of world powers on or before the year 2039. By that the year, the population of Nigeria would be about the same with the population of the United States of America and is actually going to be more that the U.S population by 2041, according to the United Nations Worldometer projections. In order words, not only will Nigeria have developed her economy by the time President Datti Baba-Ahmed leaves office, there will also be commensurate manpower resources to handle the economy.

In Kabala, the most spectacular thing about the number ‘five’ is that it depicts strength – strength in unity, symbolized by the ‘te-tra-gra-ma-ton’  which stands simply and is recognized as the Star of David, the emblem inscribed in David’s armor which enabled him to destroy Goliath. The number five is the life-infused figure generally adopted by nature to express the postulation of a human being as in 1 head, 2 hands and 2 legs. Additionally, the symbol of human life, figure five, signifies harmony prefect and happy life for human beings, including Nigerians.

But wait! All Natural all laws including those expressed in this discourse are impersonal in operation and have general application. This is the reason why human beings are admonished to utilize the opportunity of choice given to them by God to employ the use of their will power to drive reason above emotions.

The choice human beings make determine their individual or collective destinies. Nigerians must either get it right now and savor the benefits or get it wrong and be in for it. The alternative not to allow the vent of the unfolding trilogy of divine correspondence in Nigeria will be a very costly mistake that may, in the long run trail Nigeria. This implies of course, that, because everything that happens in life happens in the cycles of Death, and Rebirth, the country which is presently in limbo would have lost an opportunity for a Rebirth wherefore it will experience another cycle of hardship and suffering for God knows how long before another opportunity for a new cycle of Rebirth unfolds. When this opportunity will come again, only God knows!.


For: Global Upfront Newspapers


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