The Truth About The War In The Middle East

By Abuchi Obiora

In starting this work, I must pay condolences to the bereaved families of hundreds of people who died in the impromptu attack on the Israeli inhabitants of Gaza strip on 7th October 2023, and thousands of the bereaved families of their step brothers on the Palestinian side who have been dying as a result of the barrage of reprisal artillery gun power unleashed thereafter by Israel to Palestinians also within the Gaza strip, their joint and common ancestral homeland.

Before I put down this week’s discourse on The Kaleidoscope Archives for the records, I must say that I am not unmindful of my obligations as a human being, first, to God, second, to the principles of justice and equity for the survival of the human society, and thirdly, to my religious faith, Christianity.

Dispensation of justice and equity in human society should commonly apply to all human beings irrespective of race, colour or creed. God belongs to all human beings specially but to no religion specifically. This is the mistake that many faithfuls of different religions make.

My concept of life, as it should be to any true believer in God is to obey the natural laws of God as enshrined in justice and equity, emulate the spiritual life of Jesus Christ (because of my Christian faith) in entirety, and then attend to the physical obligations of my Christian faith (duties, doctrine, etc), all in this order.

For this reason, if, therefore, it happens that a Judaist, a Muslim or even a member of any religion other than my Christian faith is right in any matter or circumstance, which is in opposition to the general belief of my religion, I will not hesitate to support him or her as I will also support a person subscribing to my Christian faith if he or she is right in any matter or circumstance.

Having made this introductory remark, I must start this discourse by saying that the whole of Gaza Strip is the joint ancestral home of the sons of Abraham. The inhabitants of Gaza Strip are the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael, that is, Jews and Arabs, respectively. The major problem in Gaza Strip is that Israel is still not accepting the descendants of Ishmael as their step brothers because of the traditional caste system by irredentist Orthodox Jews.

This caste system believes that children of what the Jews call a ‘strange’ woman cannot inherit a Jewish father, (their father and the husband of their mother) even if those children of the so-called ‘strange’ woman are older than the man’s Jewish wife’s children. Remember that the Jews still observe the Abrahamic culture of marrying their cousins (as Muslims also do), in order to prevent the so-called ‘strange’ women from being married into their families and ‘contaminate’ the Jewish ‘seed’

By the way, by lineage, Arabs are the elder brothers of the Jews because Ishmael was older than Isaac by sixteen years. This means that in a normal, equitable and just society, they have the first right of choice. But this first right of choice was from the beginning disrupted, scrambled and hampered by the peculiar Jewish caste system.

It is on Biblical record that Abraham grieved much when it was impressed upon him, to let Ishmael and her mother Hagar into the wilderness in order to protect Isaac and Sarah, his mother, as per the demands of the Jewish caste system. This originating injustice, is the reason for the unending conflict in the Middle East.

It is also on Biblical record that Abraham led Ishmael and Hagar to the wilderness, blessed them and pointed a vast expanse of land obviously filled with wild and dangerous animals, to inhabit and inherit. We also understand from the Bible that the Angel Gabriel took over from this point to guide them. That expanse of land, hitherto occupied by wild and dangerous animals has been tamed today. That expanse of land is today called the Middle East.

The last we read about Ishmael in the Bible is when Abraham died. He came with chariots, with his family, friends and business colleagues to organize and bury his father. As the first child of Abraham, he honoured his father in death and went back to the wilderness he had started taming.

Adventurism guides the natural urge for the conquest of man’s environment and enhances his acclimatization to hitherto inhabitable terrains tamed by the aggressive, doggedness and obstinacy of an adventurist. Unlike the Jews who are known to be a monolithic people who prefer to be close to themselves in physical, emotional bonding, physical obligations as well as maintain nearness to themselves in terms of physical  location, not naturally intent on expansionism, the Arabs, in the manner of Patriarch Ishmael, are very adventurous.

This is the major reason for the large expanse of land occupied by the Arabs in the world. The second reason is their conquest of nations during the religious wars and scramble presently referred to as the period of the Crusades in the mediaeval period. Who is to blame if one party decided to go into the wild and wilderness, amass and tamed the land, while the other party feels comfortable to be enclosed in a location he never wanted to leave because he considered that place to be holy and should not be desecrated.

Back from history, does the reader know that a huge percentage of Palestinians are Christians? Many of them are also Jews who subscribe to the Christian religion. Presently, there are more Christians in Palestine than there are in Israel. The Orthodox Jews of the Judaist religion, driven by their traditional sense of entitlement as the ‘authentic’ children of Abraham and hence God, have almost wiped out the Christians in Israel or forced them to convert to Judaism. Jews of the Orthodox Judaist religion don’t spare anybody, including Christians.

Sometime ago, a member of the Jewish Knesset (Jewish Parliament) Hon. Ben Ari, openly tore the New Testament portion of the Bible in public. The Orthodox Jews of the Judaism believe only in the autocracy of the Old Testament (The Hebrew Document) which gives them a special status as the true children of God, and not in the New Testament (The Greek Document) which accommodates the rest of us, the Gentiles, as also being the children of God.

Just a forthright ago, it was reported in the media around the world that some members of the Orthodox Judaism spit on Christian pilgrims who came from all over the world to visit some Christian historical sites in Israel. A friend of mine who once went on pilgrimage to Israel had sometime ago narrated to me the story of how one of the security details manning one of the Christian historical sites mocked them as they kissed some of the relics in remembrance of Jesus Christ.

By Jewish tradition, to spit on a person is worse than the Islamic reference to a person as being an ‘Harina’. While ‘Harina’ may mean that a person is an unbeliever, spitting on a person by Jewish Judaism culture, means that the person, though in the semblance of a human being, at best is non-human, a nonentity and non-existent, and at worst, existing but abhorred, useless and smelly like excreta.  

Christians around the world who pray for Israel will be surprised to hear that there is amity and religious tolerance between Christians and their Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine but such a relationship does not exist between the Jews of the Orthodox Judaist religion and either the Christians or the Muslims. My advice is that Christians around the world should pray for wisdom and restraint on the part of Israel and not for them to win in a war which they provoked through seventy years of oppression of their step brothers in Palestine.

Orthodox Judaist Jews are Zionist religion fighters and Semitic agents of segregation who don’t believe in any other religion than Orthodox Judaism. Today and very unfortunately, the world has to deal with an extreme right Israeli government vastly populated by individuals from this religious ideology. I am seriously worried and surprised at the same time that some Christians, including the General Overseer of RCCG, the revered and most respected Pastor Enoch Adeboye, are praying for Israel.

Israel should be condemned for practicing apartheid on the descendants of their step brother, Ishmael, because the  world condemned and fought against apartheid when the Boers of English ancestry practiced apartheid against the indigenous Southern Africans in South Africa. The above maps of the Gaza Strip in 1946, 1947, 1949-1967, and 2008 tell the complete and sad story of the ethnic cleansing presently going on against Palestinians in their Middle East ancestral homeland. The sadder thing is that the people of the world in the so called civilized world are watching while this grave injustice is being perpetrated before our very eyes.

The first map is the vastly populated Palestine while the second of the maps shows Gaza Strip as approved by the United Nations for the brothers based on an agreement in 1947/48 when Israel was created. A glance at the next two maps of Gaza Strip shows that Israel has defaulted in the agreement made for them. With those two maps, the world will understand how Israel has serially been liquidating Palestinians in a total land-grabbing mission that has lasted for seventy years.

By my analysis, it is the wickedness of Israel since 1948 that gave birth to both the Hamas and the Hezbollah groups who now have no other option to save their long oppressed people (as the United Nations also covertly and silently exhibit its complicity in the genocide against Palestinians) than through what the American and Western European Press has labeled terrorism in its propaganda. If America or any Western European country were to be on the receiving end of the genocide, they will most probably tag it ‘freedom fighting’. The world has heard less about the oppression of Palestinians in their homeland, because all the actions by Israel against Palestine are given less publicity by the American and Western European propaganda long establish to serve their selfish purpose and purpose of their so called allies including Israel.

My understanding of the events presently playing out in the Middle East is that while the world observes the body of Jacob (Israel) as the culprit in the planned total demolition of Palestine, it is actually the hand of Esaw (the Satanists in America and Eastern Europe who have campaigned for and succeeded in introducing same sex marriage in thirty four countries around the world, as well as abolishing the ancient moral tradition of incestuous relationships between parents and their offsprings and granting legal permission for the practice of bestiality,  amongst other un-heard of abnormal conducts that ordinarily would be anathema to the existence of human beings on earth) who are the driving influence to the carnage against Palestinians in their ancestral homeland.

It surprises me that all the prominent Rabbis of the Rabbinical Schools and the Academies in Israel have not been able to see the grand plot to destroy the very spiritual potency of the religion of Judaism by an expiring civilization that has serially and consistently soiled its hands through global imperialism that is specially marked out as one of the most immoral civilizations that ever existed on the earth, surpassing the ignoble immoral record of the extinct and defunct Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Palestinians have been pushed to the wall so they must fight for survival. The world first heard the phrase “the world’s biggest open air prison” as a result of what Palestinians are subjected to in their ancestral homeland by Israel. No water. No electricity. No food. No medical facilities. No education. Abject poverty. Penury. Despair. Hopelessness. And we are still here watching and politicking. What a wicked world! Is injustice to one not injustice to all? When has ‘might’ become ‘right’?

The solution to the problem in the Middle East is for Israel to revert to the 1948 United Nations recommendation ceding a part of Palestinian land for the creation and existence of the State of Israel. This two brothers must decide to abide by this agreement and live together in peace with disregard to where any group’s holy religious sites are domiciled. The domiciliation of religious holy sites in the Gaza Strip, too, seem to be another source of problem.

This recommendation, in law and diplomacy, is regarded as a pro ante condition. For this pro ante condition to become effective in the resolution of the Middle East crisis, America and Western European countries and their so-called allies must desist from giving any type of support, including war machines, to Israel. But if America and Western Europe refuse to do that (as many sunk civilizations in ancient world ignored the line of reason and yielded to the expression of bloated ego derived from past glory), they will inadvertently be inviting the wrath of other major stakeholders in the world and these stakeholders will naturally defend their own “allies” in the manner Russia has warned Israel that any military strike in Syria is bound to elicit dire and “far reaching consequences”.

This dire and “far reaching consequences”, whatever they may be, may eventually spiral to a WWIII and this war could signal the end of the present human race on earth with all the nuclear armaments piled up around the world.


Global Upfront Newspaper

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The Kaleidoscope Archives

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