Feminism As A Tool For The Attainment Of Social Equilibrium And Peace In Human Society

By Abuchi Obiora

The two wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, respectively, which threaten global peace and the continued habitation of the earth by human beings give me impetus to once again, revisit an issue I have been a protagonist for its consideration by the global human society. This is the issue of using feminism as a veritable tool for the attainment of social equilibrium and hence peace, in human society.

In delving into this culture-sensitive discourse, I must observe that I have found out that many people, including some of the people who are supposed to understand, do not actually understand what the word ‘Feminism’ is all about.

Feminism gives the wrong impressions and ideas to many people. This wrong impression portrays ‘Feminists’ as those quarrelsome home-wreckers who are drawn up daggers-in-arms with men; those women who disobey their husbands and incite other women to disobey their husbands and men generally. Very often too, women who exhibit the stand-alone spirit as they pursue life endeavors are cajoled as feminists. 

To clear this ambiguity, let us take a simple dictionary meaning of the word ‘Feminism’. The Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, Special Price Edition, defines “Feminism” as belief in the principle that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men”. The same dictionary defines a “Feminist” as “A supporter of Feminism”, whether that supporter is a male or female. This means that people of both genders can be feminists.

It is important to note here that the dictionary definition of “Feminism” already admits of injustice against women and a breach in the fundamental rights of women. For this reason, I suppose also that injustice against women preceded the word “Feminism”. By this, I mean that the etymological foundation of the word “Feminism” derives from the admission of the condition of unequalness in social status between the male and female gender. The word “Feminism”, therefore, calls the attention of the inhabitants of the world to the fact that women deserve to be treated in the same way their menfolk are treated and granted equal rights in terms of opportunities with their male counterparts.

The campaign called “Feminism” which started in 1851 gathered momentum in 1895 and pitched in our time as more women are sensitized to the injustice against them in the society. Feminism started as a social theory and has gravitated to become a socio-political movement which argues that legal and social restrictions on the female gender must be removed in order to bring equality of both sexes in all aspects of public and private life.   

Before the campaign started, women had been forced to swallow line, hook and sinker the creation ontology of the religion of Judaism which had recorded that Eve, the first woman, was formed (created) from the ribs of Adam, the first man. The implication of the misinterpretation of this creation ontology is that consecutive generations of human beings ever since the Adamic period when the ontology was recorded and propagated, have consistently looked down upon the female gender as the inferior gender when compared with her male gender counterpart.

My purpose in this discourse is to prove to male chauvinists and all those who believe that women must be eternally subjugated for the dominance of man, that feminism, that is the social movement of bringing about balance in opportunities for both the male and female gender, can be used as a tool to attain the long sought-after social equilibrium and hence peace, in human society. This discourse will also prove that the reason everything seems to be falling apart in the world today is the non-inclusion of women in the core administrative matters of countries around the world.

The concept of social equilibrium is not utopian as some social scientists may wrongly think. It has existed before as recorded in human history and also recorded in many folklores, traditions and legends around the world. It existed during Adamic period in the Garden of Eden where the first injustice against woman was recorded in the story of Eve, the serpent and the ‘forbidden’ fruit. Why did Eve have to take the blame of eating the ‘forbidden fruit’ with Adam as a result of which both of them were driven away from the garden of Eden in spite of the fact that the Bible tells us that man was created with the will to say yes or no.

An equivalent story to the Garden of Eden in the Celtic lore exists in the Hellenic tradition as the garden in Hesperides where the goddess, Aphrodite, the equivalent of Eve, governed as the Supreme Deity.  Closing in deeper into the mystical significance of the Jewish Kabala allegory of Eve, the serpent and the ‘forbidden fruit’ recorded in the Holy Bible, the Hellenic version of the Adamic story confirms that the sacred apple tree of the garden in Hesperides delivers eternal life to whosoever that eats its fruit, and this exhibits the true and veiled meaning of the Biblical ‘forbidden fruit’ which allows eaters access to the ‘knowledge of good and bad’.

By the way, all these allegories in the ancient human traditions and cultures are about the attainment and disruption of social equilibrium in human society but we will limit our discussion today to the issue as they presently affect the contemporary world and injustice against woman.

We will also prove in this work that pluralism (the principle that people of the two genders or group of people of different behaviours can live together in peace, justice and equity in one society) is the key driving factor for the perfection of the activities of human beings on earth, wherefore the severance of this pluralism as evidenced in the ‘selfish and conscious awareness’ implication of eating from the ‘forbidden’ fruit by Adam and Eve affected their abilities to work effectively together.

Let’s search out the meanings of our other key words in this discourse one after the other to discard the possibility of any ambiguity. The world ‘social’ defines as “concerning the organization of and relations between people and communities”, while ‘equilibrium’ defines as “As situation in which opposing forces, influences etc, are balanced and under control”. ‘Social Equilibrium’ therefore, should mean that particular situation/condition in the organization and relations between people amongst themselves and within their communities which would be under control with all the opposing forces being united and working in tandem in achieving a state of balance.

In a situation/condition of social equilibrium, all types of acrimonies in the society, including wars will be greatly reduced, or rendered extinct and general amity will be the operating condition in human society. Exploring our key words further, a ‘tool‘ is “anything that helps one to do one’s job”. So, the question now is, how will feminism become a tool for the attainment of social equilibrium in human society?.

Before we find this out, let us quickly, again, observe that while the purpose and intention of the Jewish Kabala creation ontology and story of Eve, the ‘serpent’ and the ‘forbidden fruit’ was to explain out the true conditions of things during the Adamic period of attainment and disruption of social equilibrium in human society, the interpretation of it by subsequent generations of men (this false interpretation was initiated, promoted, and perpetuated by strong and ruthless men who were at the helms of political affairs in the world), has institutionalized injustice against women. From that point henceforth, social inequality and inequity in favour of the male and against the female gender, has been accepted as the natural order in human society.  

The space available here will be very little to say the much I know about the gradual decimation of the rights and privileges of women for many millennia following after the wrong interpretation and the misapplication of the Kabalist allegory of Eve, the ‘serpent’ and ‘forbidden fruit’. Before we proceed further, let us find out what Jewish Kabala is so that we will be able to establish the fact that the interpretation of the Kabalist allegory of Eve, the ‘serpent’ and the ‘forbidden fruit’ by the men who did the  chronology for the wisdom of the Hebrew Document (the Old Testament portion of the Bible) were not inducted into the secret and doctrine of Jewish Kabala (because they were simply imperialist masters). They missed out on the original and proper meaning of the allegory of Eve, the ‘serpent’ and the ‘forbidden fruit’.  

The earliest human species called Adam (meaning ‘Red Earth’) had enjoyed social equilibrium in the allegorical Garden of Eden before this equilibrium was disrupted by the events that were to be recorded as the story of Eve, the ‘serpent’ and the ‘forbidden fruit’. This condition of social equilibrium which once existed here on earth as the Garden of Eden is captured in the doctrine of a physical (and not spiritual) paradise on earth as taught by the ‘Jehovah Witnesses’ denomination of the Christian religion. The difference as I have rightly observed in one of my books (The Flaming Sword) though, is that an expectation of a future paradise on earth is utopian and will continue to be a mirage, a fleeting, pyrrhic attainment because the enabling circumstances for the manifestation of such a social condition is presently not in visible sight, given the acrimonies presently existing on earth, mostly as a result of the displacement of the rights of women. Having said these, I must repeat that the earliest Adamic period of human history in paradise on earth was an empirical reality.

So, what is Kabala? Kabala is the oral doctrine of Judaism, the religious belief system of Jesus Christ upon whose teachings (also derived from Judaism), the Christian religion was founded. Quoting from Chapter Two (The Laws of Karma and Balance) of that book, I wrote, “Kabalists know that a set of laws and practices were given to Moses by God for the Hebrews at the same time the Ten Commandments were handed down to Moses …”

I continued, “A Hebrew scholar Adin Steinsaltz in the book, “The Essential Talmud” describe these oral laws as the ‘central pillar supporting the entire spiritual and intellectual edifice’ of the religion of Judaism. Going further in that book, I said, “But the new religions which adopted and modified the Holy works of the Hebrew Documents (The Torah, The Nevi’im and The Kethurium which make up the Pentateuch the five books of Moses – and other books of the Old Testament) did not pay any attention to this central pillar ….”

In elaboration, I wrote that “….this neglect robbed the new religions the access to deeper spectra of knowledge of the Hebrew Documents and exposed them to shallow and discordant interpretations and misinterpretations of the documents”.

In that book, “The Flaming Sword” I concluded that “The Ten Commandments were the recommended codes of living by Yahweh to the Jewish laities”. The oral laws and practices were operational codes for the Priesthood and these were arranged by Eminent Rabbis as the Talmud. The book, “The Flaming Sword” also reveals that, “The guidelines in the Talmud were the tools with which Moses achieved his exploits, including parting a river that is today erroneously believed to be the Red Sea”.

I am interested in expatiating on this matter because by the standards of the Jewish Kabala, women are highly respected, pampered and regarded as the true representatives of God and mothers of mankind and not segregatedand regarded as the inferior part of God’s human creations. By the way, by the Roman Catholic Doctrine, have we forgotten that Mary, a woman, is the mother of God?.

Let us briefly reflect on the events presently happening in Israel, where the Christian religion derives its cultural origin. The conflict presently existing between the Jews of Orthodox Judaist religion and the Pentecostal Christians in Israel derive origin partly from what the Orthodox Jews regard as the non-interpretation of the Hebrew Documents (The Old Testament) from the point of view and specifications of the Talmud which document, they believe was well understood by Yeshua ben-Yosef later known and recognized as Jesus Christ by the Imperial Roman Kingdom. The Talmud, one of the founding records ever kept by authorities in Jewish Kabala in which Jesus Christ was vast, details the tradition upon which true Christianity should be founded, otherwise much of the works of the Hebrew document will make no meaning neither will it find any empirical application in the lives of Christians.

The conflict detailed above got to a crisis point when a member of the Israeli Knesset (Israeli Parliament), Hon. Ben Ari, publicly tore the New Testament into pieces to register the disgust of some of his fanatical colleagues of the Orthodox Judaist religion. He demonstrated what the Orthodox Judaist Jews regard as the waywardness of the Pentecostal Christian religion in propounding an incomplete religion that derives origin from a Holy Book they understand very well.

For the avoidance of doubt, no religion retains its spiritual potency without being immersed in its founding tradition and culture. This means that there is a limit to which a religion can be reformed. It was to divorce Christianity of its pristine spiritual potency that the Princes of the Roman Empire went on several missions of reforming the Christian religion.

The following seven Church Councils which convened at the auspices of Imperial Kingdoms eliminated much of the spiritual potency of some Bible books in the guise of removing what they called the Apocryphal works and retaining what we know today to be the canonized books of the Bible. They are:

  1. First Council in Nicea by Emperor Constantine the Great in May, 325 A.D. 
  2. First Council in Constantinople by Emperor Theodosius in May, 381 A.D.
  3. The Synod of Hippo in 393 A.D
  4. The First Council of Cartage in AD 397.
  5. The Second Council of Cartage in AD 419
  6. The Council of Florence (AD 1431-1449).
  7. The Council of Trent (AD 1545-1563).

After killing Jesus Christ who was a terror to the injustice of the Roman Empire as he was sabotaged by his Jewish brothers, the Roman Empire went ahead to decimate the spiritual potency of the emerging Christian religion by hijacking it and separating the religion from its tradition and culture. This process was done by the auspices of declaring the Church a State religion. Though it was a political achievement for the Church, it robbed on the spiritual potency of the Christian religion.

At the twilight of the Roman Empire and when Britain took over at Pax Britannia, Britain went further, after unrighteously founding the Church of England, Anglican Communion, to use the religion as a veritable instrument of expansion through slavery and colonization.

Against this background of the history of the Christian religion, it is not a surprise that several Christian organizations with the knowledge and wisdom of the ancient Jewish Kabala as their guiding tools, are springing up around the world to restore the spiritual potency of the Christian religion as of old and as practiced by Master Jesus, His disciples and Apostles.

Having made all these observations, I submit that the wrong interpretation of the allegory of Eve, the ‘serpent’ and the ‘forbidden fruits’ by the novices of the Imperial Majesties who were at best neophytes in ancient Kabala wisdom, with its consequent subjugation of woman, sharpened the behaviors and virtues of woman over time, unto perfection.

It is important to know that human beings do not behave as human beings simply because they were born as human beings by human beings. Human beings behave as human beings because they socialize with other human beings – parents, siblings, family, neighbours, etc.

Social and behavioral sciences have long proven through seclusion experiments that if you isolate human beings from birth unto adulthood away from human socialization and from the immediate family units, their behaviours tend to be beastly. This pattern also works in the opposite direction to bring out the perfection in human beings when people are subjected to certain strict conditions either as individuals or as groups of persons. This is called Human Biorhythm.

The age long subjugation of women wherefore they are generally regarded as imperfect and inferior in spite of the efforts of women to the contrary, has forced women to tune in to the finer, altruistic side of life whereby they constantly aim at perfection in all their engagements. This process has inadvertently improved human biorhythm in favour of the feminine gender wherefore they behave better then men in reflecting the true characters of God imbued in God’s human creations.

Representing the best in expression of virtues amongst the genders created by God, women, therefore have become the only available channel for humanity to restore the pristine balance that existed in the days of yore which are severally captured in religions, as Garden of Eden, Garden of Hesperides etc, when the human community experienced social equilibrium in the administration of its affairs.

I had earlier recorded that ‘Paradise’ exited the earth at the point of propagation of the wrong connotation and meaning of the Jewish Kabala allegory of Eve, the ‘serpent’ and the ‘forbidden fruit’ because the earliest, foreign, imperialist interpreters of the Hebrew Document who made this false interpretation of the doctrine known to the world did not take cognizance of the fact that Jewish Kabala, being the oral doctrine of the ancient religion of Judaism explains out in true context, the real meanings of the allegories, metaphors, and all other figures of speech recognized in Hebrew language, Jewish tradition and culture as handed down by the Patriarch Moses.

Without restoring the true meaning and application of the Adamic ontology of human creation which recognizes woman as the reservoir and treasure chest of the deepest secrets of God and use this understanding to achieve the long sougth-after social equilibrium in all the operations of human beings and the administration of the human society on earth, wars such as are going on in Ukraine and the Middle East which threaten the existence of human beings on earth shall continue to ravage the human society with a great possibility of sinking the earth because the nurturing, balancing and recreative influence of mother which naturally comes with the participation of women in all affairs of human beings, has been allowed to tarry long in coma.

The subject-matter of today’s discourse has exhaustively been discussed in another of my books written with the pseudonym of Rabbi Abram A. ben-uriel. The book is titled, “Woman: The Mystery, The Secrets”, with the ISBN number 978-978-961-351-9.



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