Ukraine And Gaza Strip As Testing Grounds For Continued Relevance Of An Expiring World Super Power (Part One)

By Abuchi Obiora

Today in The Kaleidoscope Archives, we will start a three-part series of what presently seem to be the most visible threat to the continued existence of the world and the survival of human beings on earth.

Never before in human history has the world been bogged down with the possibility of a clash between two clearly defined centers of powers, the two super powers in the contemporary world.

Before I get into the gist of this week’s discourse, let me take a forward position to say that the wars in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip are simply serving to test the continued relevance of an expiring world super power. American super power is getting close to implosion.

The word ‘implosion’ sounds familiar, yet let us get the exact Dictionary meaning of it as a starting point to know who is responsible for what happens to America in due course. ‘Implosion’ is the noun formed from the verb ‘Implode’ (compare with its familiar opposite ‘explode’, which means to burst outwards).

Accordingly to the Oxford Advanced Leaners Dictionary (Special Price Edition), ‘Implode’ means “to burst or collapse inward” and is very often associated with self-inflicted, adverse conditions or injuries.  As a matter of fact, in phenomenological terms, the difference between the two words (‘explode’ and ‘Implode’) which express the same condition in different directions is that the former is catalyzed by an external factor while the later must be induced from the inside.

The above detailed explanation of this word is necessary at this point to avoid misunderstanding of the points I will make by those people whose interest on the matter may be injured.

The provision of empirical facts and subsisting evidence that will prove this view point will constitute the major issues for discussion in this week’s discourse. These empirical facts and subsisting evidence will additionally prove that the two wars presently going on in Ukraine and Gaza Strip, ravaging those two locations in the world, are used to test the diminishing strength, influence, and relevance of an expiring world super power, the American super power. It will also reveal the unmistakable realities of an emerging new world order.

The times and seasons of man and his activities on earth are characterized with cycles that have scientifically been analyzed to fall in the sure and definite order of Birth, Maturity, Decline, and Death. These cycles which are replete in the natural sciences of Astronomy, Astrology, Agronomy, Horoscope, etc, are also proven with the laws of physical sciences of Astrophysics and Geophysics with the later area of study, Geophysics, being presently less understood by man. Jointly, these areas of human inquiries have made researches and forecasts into the future activities of man less tedious and less cumbersome in the sense that each cycle on all of the identified stages of existence come with some premonitory signs of what will come next, what is about to be.

Natural scientists and mystics of different human eras have always known and understood that nothing really is, because, what is, is the seed of what shall become.  Everything in life is fleeting and transient and this includes civilizations and powerful empires, the super powers.

With this long introduction, I must observe that there are palpable signs of decay in the present world political, economic and military order with the premonition of a foreseeable extinction of the era of American super Power, Nay Pax Americana, of the incumbent world political, economic and military order. The space available in this medium will be too small for what I have to say about this subject matter, so I must skip some issues, and abridge others, yet I must strive, within the available space, to make a direct statement on what I have found out in my inquiry and research within the confines of the Parts One, Two, and Three of this discourse.

What is a Super Power? There are several definitions of the word ‘Super’ all of them connoting extra strength, quality, quantity, etc. above the normally accepted level, value, volume and/or measure, so we will take a definition which directly explains out what we have in mind, in this discourse. The definition we will use is the first definition of the word in the Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary (Special Price Edition). It defines ‘Super’ as ‘excellent’ and ‘splendid’.

There are also several definitions of the world ‘power’ as there are of the word ‘super’ but we will take the first definition as it is written in the same Dictionary. It defines ‘power’ as “The ability to do something or to act”. “Super Power”, therefore should be “the ability to do something or to act excellently, and in a splendid form”.

In contemporary human society and modern English Language parlance, the word ‘Super Power’ involves expressing this splendid, excellent prowess in technological but most especially in military soft and hard wares, munitions and allied war accessories. This means that being called a ‘super power’ portrays the ability to wage wars and conquer scientifically and militarily in an excellent and splendid form over and above the conventional ways of prosecuting wars or conquests.

Now, let us read up a brief  history about the world’s first ‘Super Power’ and a few other super powers in human history and find out if there are historical coincidences which also could point to the possibility of a decline in the splendid and excellent prowess of one of the world’s existing super powers, the American super power.

The Persian civilization/empire was built after the conquest of a series of dynasties that existed in the location presently known to be modern day Iran. It existed for many centuries, beginning from the sixth century B.C.

It started with semi-nomadic tribes who raised sheep, goats and cattle on the Iranian plateau. Founded by Cyrus the Great, it was to become the world’s first Super Power. It united under one government, three important sites of early human civilizations in the ancient world. Each of these human civilizations that were united by Cyrus the Great boasted of the best development at that time that any assembly of human beings could have.

These civilizations were:

  1. Mesopotamia
  2. Egypt’s Nile Valley
  3. India’s Indus Valley

Cyrus the Great, leader of one of the semi nomadic tribes began to defeat nearby kingdoms such as Media, Lydia and Babylon, joining them under one rule.

Founded in 550 B.C it became one of the largest empires in human history, stretching from Europe’s Balkan Peninsula in the west to India’s Indus Valley in the east. This dynasty, the Iron Age dynasty during which time much of the inventions upon which early human life activities were built, is sometimes called the Achaemenid Empire. It ended 200 years later when it was felled by the invading armies of Alexander the Great, the son of King Philip II. Before its demise, it was a global hub of culture, religion, science, the arts and Iron Age technology.

Let me make an important and necessary digression here to illuminate the historical facts reproduced in this discourse. That digression is that one of the greatest rulers of the Persian Empire, Darius the Great, the fourth King of the Achaemenid Empire ruled over the empire when it was at its largest stretch and its greatness.

During his rule, the Achaemenid Empire stretched from the Caucasus and West Asia (China), to what was then Macedonia (today’s Balkans), the Black Sea, Central Asia (Russia) and into Africa. Darius the Great unified the vast empire through the introduction of a standard currency, weight and measures. He built roads and made Aramaic the official language of the world’s first Super Power. This is why many of the most important documents and historical relics of the present world are written and archived in Aramaic Language.

Using both military prowess and political cunning, Alexander the Great unseated the world’s first Super Power. Alexander the Great (Alexander III of Macedon, born 20/21 July 356 B.C, died 10/11 June 323 B.C) was a King of ancient Greek Kingdom of Macedon. He succeeded his father, Philip II to the throne at the age of 20. He ruled for 14 years, having died at the age of 33 years. He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered to be one of history’s greatest and most successful military commanders.

The settlement of Greek colonists and the consequent spread of Greek culture by Alexander the Great led to the dominance of Hellenistic civilization and influence towards the East and Indian subcontinent. The Hellenistic period which was initiated by Alexander the Great which also thrived long after him developed through the Roman Empire into what is now modern Western culture. For this reason, I regard Alexander the Great as the father and founder of modern western European Culture.


Historically, consecutive world mini Super Powers which started with the conquests and reign of Alexander the Great took different habitations in different locations around the world and eventually sealed up during the 20th century after the first and Second World Wars when America cunningly took over the world after the defeat of Adolf Hitler and his splinter groups around the world by the Allied Forces. After the Second World War in 1945, administrative control of nations in Europe by cousins who had been moved around those nations from the time of Alexander the Great as Princes and Princesses, Kings and Queens, ceased to appeal to the nations whose group consciousness had already been elevated by the adversities of the wars.

Relegating the monarchies to their Royal Majesties devoid of core political and administrative duties, these nations began to devolve political powers to democratically elected governments having been influenced by the American democracy.

By the way, let me move forward a little in history to say that Pax Romana (that is the political and economic conquest of the world by Rome) was made possible by the daftness of Constantine the Great (Born on 27th February, 272 A.D an died on 22 May, 337 A.D) whose sympathy for Christianity as a result of his love for his wife (who secretly attended Christian meetings) and his fabled dream of being shown a Christian crucifix of conquest of his enemies, murdered his ally, a pro-heathen military General, and annexed the deceased’s portion of the bi-partite Roman arrangement, to declare the two parts of Rome one united country with only and central authority vested on him and his appointed generals whose loyalty he held by the sword.

Constantine the Great is of historical importance to any history of super powers in the world because the story of how Pax Romana originated came from his decision to declare Christianity the Roman State Religion.

How Pax Romana lost its grip on the world is a study in moderated subterfuge and the power of mental conquest of the so-called civilized mind by the tool of religion. So many things which are beyond the scope of this work were to happen during the Renaissance period that ambitious Princes of nations, all of them cousins within traditional families of Kings and Queens, hid in the toga of the Church, jointly held the rest of the world in political and economic bondage.

It was therefore not a surprise that with the ascendancy of America and her allies to the world political and economic center stage after the World War II, America quietly took charge of the world, I repeat, in a most subversive and cunning manner, by the machineries of the newly-founded United Nations and other agencies and parastatals of that body, all established to push American interests in political, economic, and recently social and even lifestyle matters.

The world only found out the American game when friction between her and the then existing but silent World Super Power, the United Soviet Socialist Republic (U.S.S.R) erupted in what is presently known in political history and international diplomacy around the world as the ‘Cold War’ era.

What, the reader may ask, are the signs of decay which presently point to a possible and near-future expiration of the Super Power element of the United States of America in global history?. The causative factors that brought about these signs of decay may be summarized under the following three subheadings notably: 

  1. GREED

This is exemplified in the continued expropriation of wealth from everywhere else around the world in order to draw the wealth to herself. To defend this unwholesome, sometimes criminal enterprise (please read the book “Confessions of an Economic Hit man”. By: John Perkins) the Anglo-Saxon media houses have designed and perfected an organized system of mass propaganda, misinformation and disinformation to draw the attention of the world away from these economic crimes.

One of the methods by which the western hemisphere mainstream media houses have evolved to achieve this purpose, especially people from the affected countries, who exercise critical thinking in analyzing what is going on in the world, people who also see the lopsided trade and financial transactions between the Northern and Southern blocs, is to tag them as Conspiracy Theorists. I will not be surprised therefore if this discourse is seen by some of my brainwashed readers from that perspective and tagged a conspiracy theory.


Nature abhors injustice. As a matter of fact, the concept of life both divine and earthly, is built on the precepts of justice which are expressed in a triangular, tripartite balance of FREEDOM and EQUITY founded and standing on the solid base of LOVE. Anything, whatsoever it may be about life which is not built on this balance that derives impetus from the finite plane of existence and points up as it directs and moves onto the infinite plane of existence, must eventually collapse. I will say much more about American injustice to the world in the Second Part of this work.

It is very unfortunate that the present day generation of Americans have refused to learn from the wisdom of their founding fathers all of whom were well-informed and groomed Masters of the world’s then most visible spiritual order.


America as a corporate entity has serially sinned against nature. Let us not frighten them here with God because many of them do not believe in God. But in the folly of those unbelievers in God, they forget that the absolute phenomenon that the religions call God stand at the base of all the natural processes including their much respected science and technology.

Sins against nature or God (depending on what you believe in) inevitably brings about a condition that necessitates a balance upon which the physical and spiritual laws of nature (remember God!) that governs the universe and all that there is, are hinged. This manifests in what is usually referred to as the law of retribution by the religions or as the law of karma by the philosophical and mystery schools.

I will not bore the reader or waste the reader’s time to list the numerous sins of America against nature and God for which reason she must be punished, (America has serially disobeyed the laws of equity, justice and good order), but let me recant a few of those disobediences:

  1. Promotion of homosexuality
  2. Legalization of Gayism
  3. Legalization of lesbianism
  4. Legalization of same-sex marriages
  5. Legalization of incestuous relationships between parents and their children.
  6. Legalization of the right for one to alter and change one’s gender against the decision of nature, and hence God.
  7. Killings, more killings and massive killings – destruction of human souls around the world just to maintain a collapsing empire.
  8. Using nations as sacrifices and human beings as guinea pigs as are presently happening in Ukraine and Gaza strip, to pursue her devilish agenda.
  9. Finally, the grand illusion that she can locate her government to the outer space, possibly the moon, from where she shall rule a world she has devastated and from there also, tap the resources of the earth with God’s human creations as robots, in that stupid and insane enterprise.  

Is America expiating her Karma going through what the religions call the law of retribution? The point is that now that sneaky America has been caught up on the pangs of the law of retribution, nay karma, she must restore the tilted balance through restitution. There is no doubt that America is presently restituting for her multiple sins against herself, humanity, nature and God.

America has stretched herself beyond her limit, driving herself into such confusion that she believes that proxy wars around the world will assist her to move away from Armageddon. Will the ego, overstretched and soiled hands of America allow her to accept defeat in order to rid herself of shame as she struggles to vainly restore her expiring relevance in the world as one of the Super Powers of the twentieth century?

We will find out all these and more in the second part and the third (concluding) part of this discourse.


Global Upfront Newspaper  

Read Other Posts by ABUCHI OBIORA in:

The Kaleidoscope Archives

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