Nigerian Armed Forces Speaks On Ongoing Operations Across Nigeria As At January 25, 2024 (Full Report)


  1. Troops of Operation HADIN KAI recorded the following activities during the period under review; conducted fighting patrols, arrested a suspected ISWAP/JAS terrorists arms and ammo supplier and conducted cordon and search operations in Bama, Kaga, Damboa, Konduga, MMC and Kukawa LGAs all in Borno State. Troops conducted raid and ambush operations on ISWAP/JAS terrorists in Bama and Konduga LGAs of Borno State.
  2. Additionally, ISWAP/JAS terrorists fighters surrendered to troops, troops arrested suspected ISWAP/JAS terrorists collaborators as well as discovered and destroyed IEDS in Bama, Gwoza, Mobbar, Chibok, Dikwa and Abadam LGAs all in Borno State.
  3. Details as follows:

a. Fighting Patrols.
(1) On 17 January 2024, troops conducted fighting patrol to ISWAP/JAS terrorists’ enclaves in Bama and Konduga LGAs of Borno State. Troops made contact with terrorists. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 7 terrorists and recovered 5 AK47 rifles, 2 locally fabricated guns, 150 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 5 magazines, 2 Boafeng radios, 4 mobile phones, amongst others items.
(2) Between 18 and 21 January 2024, troops in a separate operations conducted fighting patrols and made contact with terrorists in Kaga and Damboa LGAs of Borno State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 6 terrorists and recovered 4 AK47 rifles, 2 x 23 hand grenades, 2 pump action guns, 2 dane guns, 53 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, one motorcycle and one mobile phone.
b. Arrest of Suspected ISWAP/JAS Terr Arms/Ammo Suppliers. On 18 January 2024, troops conducted sting operations and arrested 3 suspected ISWAP/JAS terrorists arms/ammo suppliers in MMC of Borno State. During the operation, troops recovered 240 rounds of 7.62mm NATO.
e. Cordon and Search Operations. On 18 January 2024, troops while conducting cordon and search operations discovered IED making materials in Kukawa LGA of Borno State. During the operation, troops recovered 2 cylinders, rolls of cable and a white vest with some Arabic inscriptions.
c. Raid Operation. On 17 and 19 January 2024, troops with hybrid forces in a separate operations raided a suspected ISWAP/JAS terrorists’ enclave and made contact in Bama LGA of Borno State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 10 terrorists and recovered 9 AK47 rifles, 2 locally fabricated rifles, one locally made pistol, 150 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo and 2 motorcycles.

d. Ambush on ISWAP/JAS Terrorists. On 19 January 2024, troops while on fighting patrol ambushed ISWAP/JAS terrorists and made contact in Konduga LGA of Borno State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 4 and recovered 2 AK47 rifles and 47 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo.
e. Surrender of ISWAP/JAS Terrorist Fighters.
(1) On 19 and 23 January 2024, 5 ISWAP/JAS terrorists fighters surrendered to troops in Bama, Gwoza and Mobbar LGAs of Borno State. Troops recovered 2 AK47 rifles, one VEKTOR R4 rifle, one double barrel gun, 5 magazines, 125 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 115 rounds 5.66mm ammo and 3 mobile phones.
(2) Between 17 and 24 Jan 24, a total of 168 BH/ISWAP terrorists comprising 11 adult males 65 adult females and 92 children surrendered to troops within the theatre operations.
e. Arrest of Suspected ISWAP/JAS Terr Collaborator. On 21 January 2024, troops while on routine stop and search operation arrested a suspected ISWAP/JAS terr collaborator in Chibok LGA of Borno State.

f. Discovery and Detonation of Terr IEDs. On 21 and 23 January 2024, troops while on fighting patrol discovered and detonated 3 IEDs in Dikwa and Abadam LGAs of Borno State. Troops also recovered 4 IEDs.

  1. Air Interdiction. One 17 and 18 January 2024, the air component of Operation HADIN KAI significantly conducted air interdiction following INTREP and confirmatory ISR of hibernation of BH/ISWAP terrorists and movements of gun trucks with intention of carrying out coordinated attacks on troops and civilians in Gwoza LGA of Borno State. Subsequently, the locations were acquired and attacked and bombarded with rockets and cannons. Battle Damage Assessment revealed that several terrorists neutralized as well as their mobility and structures destroyed.
  2. Similarly, on 21 January 2024, the air component of Operation HADIN KAI following INTEL Conducted Close Air Support and trailed movement of terrorists with Gun trucks in the North of Kerenoa. Accordingly, the targets were acquired and attacked with precision strikes with rockets and cannons. Battle Damage Assessment revealed the Gun trucks were destroyed and the terrorists were neutralized.


  1. Overall, troops of Operation HADIN KAI neutralized 27 terrorists and arrested 4 BH/ISWAP terrorists. Troops recovered 22 AK47 rifles, one VEKTOR R4 rifle, one double barrel gun, 4 locally fabricated guns, 2 pump action guns, 4 dane guns, one locally made pistol, 2 x 36 hand grenades, 240 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 525 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 115 rounds of 5.66mm ammo, 5 magazines, one vehicle, 3 motorcycles, 9 mobile phones and 2 baofeng radios amongst others.


  1. Troops of Operation SAFE HAVEN recorded the following during the period under review; arrested suspected violent extremists/insurgents and foiled fulani militias attack on locals in Mangu and Bokkos LGAs of Plateau State. Troops conducted raid operation and foiled kidnap incidents in Sanga, Jema’a and Kauru LGAs of Kaduna State as well as Riyom LGA of Plateau State.
  2. Additionally, troops arrested suspected violent extremists/insurgents and fulani militias gang leader in Mangu and Wase LGAs of Plateau State.
  3. Details are as follows:

b. Arrests Suspected Violent Extremist/Insurgents. On 18 January 2024, following credible INTREP, troops conducted sting operations and arrested 5 suspected violent extremists/terrorists in Mangu LGA of Plateau State. During the operation, troops recovered 5 AK47 rifle with 123 rounds of 7.62mm Special ammo and 2 motorcycle.
c. Fulani Militias Attack on Locals. On 17 January 2024, troops responded to information on large number armed Fulani Militias mobilizing to attack a Community in Bokkos LGA of Plateau State. Troops made contact with the violent extremists/fulani militias. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 10 insurgents and recovered 10 AK47 rifles, 210 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 5 mobile phones and 29 rounds of PKT ammo.
d. Raid Operations. On 18 and 19 January 2024, troops with hybrid forces in a separate operations raided suspected violent extremists/insurgents hideouts in Sanga and Jama’a LGA of Kaduna State as well as Riyom LGA of Plateau State. During the operations, troops arrested 9 suspected violent extremists/kidnappers and recovered 4 vehicles, one tricycle and substance suspected to be cannabis.
e. Foiled Kidnap Incidents. On 19 and 21 January 2024, troops in a separate operations responded to information of kidnapping activities in Jema’a LGA of Kaduna State. During the operation, troops rescued 8 kidnapped hostages.
f. Kidnap Incidents. On 21 January 2024, troops responded to a distress call on kidnapping activities and rescued 4 abondoned kidnapped hostages in Jema’a LGA of Kaduna State.
g. Update on Kidnap Incident. On 19 January 2024, following credible information, troops conducted sting operation and arrested one suspected violent extremists/insurgent in Kaura LGA of Kaduna State. Suspect identified as Mr Sani Auwal was arrested in connection with kidnap Incident earlier on 3 January 2024 in the same LGA. Troops recovered one fabricated revolver rifle, VGN uniform and one mobile phone.
h. Arrest of Suspected Violent Extremists/Insurgents.
(1) On 18 January 2024, following credible INTREP, troops arrested 5 suspected violent extremists/insurgents in Mangu LGA of Plateau State. Troops recovered 2 AK47 rifles with 29 rnds of 7.62mm Special ammo and one motorcycle.
(2) On 21 January 2024, acting on credible information, troops arrested 3 suspected violen extremist/insurgents in Wase LGA of Plateau State.
i. Arrest of Suspected Fulani Militia Gang Leader. On 19 January 2024, following a tip off, troops arrested one suspected violent extremist/fulani militia gang leader ident as Dahiru Musa in Mangu LGA of Plateau State. The suspect has been on wanted list of security agencies.


  1. Overall, troops of Operation SAFE HAVEN neutralized 11 insurgents, arrested 32 violent extremists and rescued 17 kidnapped hostages. Troops recovered 17 AK47 rifles, one fabricated revolver rifle, 321 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 29 rounds of PKT ammo, 4 vehicles, 3 motorcycle, one tricycle and 5 mobile phones amongst others.


  1. Troops of Operation WHIRL STROKE recorded the following during the week under review; conducted a raid operations in Katsina-Ala LGA of Benue State. Troops responded to communal clash, attack on civilians and arrested suspected violent extremists/kidnappers into Toto and Obi LGAs of Nasarawa State as well as Ukum LGA of Benue State respectively.
  2. Details are as follows:

a. Raid Operations.
(1) On 17 January 2024, troops while on patrol raided suspected violent extremists/insurgents’ hideouts in Nasarawa LGA of Nasarawa State. During the operation, troops arrested 3 violent extremists/insurgents and recovered 4 dane guns, one locally made pistol, 2 knives and assorted charms.
(2) On 18 January 2024, troops raided suspected violent extremists/insurgents hideouts in Katsina-Ala LGA of Benue State. Troops made contact with insurgents. Followiing a fire fight, troops neutralized 11 insurgents and recovered 10 AK47 rifles, 2 locally fabricated guns, one dane gun, 254 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 50 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 10 rounds of 9mm ammo and a military camouflage trouser.
b. Communal Clash. On 17 January 2024, troops responded to information of communal clash between the indigenes of Gbagyi and Bassa ethnic groups in Toto LGA of Nasarawa State. During the operation, troops arrested 23 violent extremists including a family and recovered 7 corpes. Troops recovered 4 dane guns, one locally fabricated pistol, 2 machetes, one knife, 5 mobile phones, 4 motorcycles, 3 ID Cards and assorted charms.
c. Attack on Civilians. On 18 January 2024, troops responded to information on violent extremists/insurgent activities in Ukum LGA of Benue State. Troops made contact with insurgents. Following a fire fight, tps neutralized 2 insurgents and recovered 2 locally fabricated guns and 15 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo.
d. Arrest of Suspected Violent Extremists/Kidnappers. On 19 January 2024, following a tip-off, troops arrested 2 suspected violent extremists/kidnappers in Obi LGA of Nasarawa State. Preliminary investigation discovered that suspects were alleged to have participated in the kidnap of 7 students of the Federal University of Lafia on 7 December 2023.


  1. Overall, troops of Operation WHIRL STROKE neutralized 13 insurgents and arrested 30 violent extremists/insurgents. Troops recovered 10 AK47 rifles, 4 locally fabricated guns, 3 locally fabricated pistols, 9 dane gun, 269 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 50 rounds of 7.62mm NATO and 10 rounds of 9mm ammo, 4 motorcycles and 5 mobile phones amongst others.


  1. The troops of Operation HADARIN DAJI recorded the following during the period under review; conducted raid operations, fighting patrols, responded to violent extremists/insurgents activities and arrested violent extremists/insurgents collaborator in Igabi and Chikun LGAs of Kaduna State, Kankara, Faskari and Danmusa LGAs of Katsina as well as Shanga LGA of Kebbi State.
  2. Additionally, troops conducted offensive operations, foiled kidnap incidents and arrested suspected violent extremists/gunrunners in Faskari LGA of Katsina State, Tsafe and Shinkafi LGAs of Zamfara State as well as Jalingo and Ibi LGAs of Taraba State.
  3. Details are as follows;

a. Raid Operations. On 17 and 23 January 2024, following INTREP, troops in. Separate operations raided suspected violent extremists/insurgents hideouts in Igabi and Shanga LGAs of Kaduna and Kebbi State respectively. Troops made contact with violent extremists/insurgents. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 2 insurgents, arrested 2 violent extremists as well as rescued 4 kidnapped hostages. Troops also recovered 3 AK47 rifles, 3 extra mags, 142 rnds of 7.62mm Special ammo and 2 pairs of woodland camouflage.
b. Fighting Patrols.
(1) On 19 January 2024, troops while on fighting patrol made contact with violent extremists/insurgents in Chikun LGA of Kaduna State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 3 insurgents and 2 AK47 rifles, one dane gun, 2 cutlasses and motorcycle tools.
(2) On 23 January 2024, troops on fighting patrol made contact with violent extremists/insurgents in Kankara LGA of Katsina State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 2 insurgents and rescued 2 kidnapped hostages.
c. Violent Extremists/Insurgents Activities. On 18 and 23 January 2024, troops in a separate operations conducted fighting patrols and made contact with violent extremists/insurgents in Faskari LGA of Katsina as well as Anka and Tsafe LGAs of Zamfara States respectively. Following a fire fights, troops neutralized 7 insurgents and recovered 4 AK47 rifles, 2 locally fabricated guns, one fabricated pistol, one dane gun, 8 magazines, 5 motorcycles, bunch of arrows, grinding machine and one pair of NP uniform.
d. Arrest of Suspected Violent Extremists/Insurgs Collaborator. On 19 January 2024, fol HUMINT, troops arrested one suspected violent extremists/insurgent collaborator in Danmusa LGA of Katsina State.
e. Offensive Operations. On 20 January 2024, troops in a separate operations conducted offensive operations and made contact with violent extremists/insurgents in Faskari and Tsafe LGAs of Katsina and Zamfara States respectively. Following a fire fights, troops neutralized 12 insurgents and recovered 7 AK47 rifles, one locally fabricated pistol, 2 dane guns, one fabricated dane gun, one butt of sniper weapon, one piston extension of AK47 rifle and military and NP accoutrements amongst others items.
f. Foiled Kidnap Incident.
(1) On 19 January 2024, troops responded to a distress call on kidnapping activities and made contact in Jalingo LGA of Taraba State. Following a fire fight, tps neutralized 3 violent extremists/kidnappers and rescued 3 victims.
(2) On 21 January 2024, troops on patrol responded to distress call on kidnapping of commuters by violent extremists/insurgents in Faskari LGA of Katsina State. Sighting troops, the insurgent/kidnappers fled abandoning their victims. Troops rescued 8 kidnapped hostages and recovered 4 motorcycles.
g. Arrest of Violent Extremists/Insurgents Gunrunners.
(1) On 20 January 2024, following INTREP responded to information on a suspected violent extremists/gunrunner in ibi LGA of Taraba State. Suspect identified as Mr Joshua Idah Dutse was arrested with other passengers on his way to Katsina State to bring in some AK47 rifles and rounds. Troops recovered one GPMG, 399 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 3 magazines and one vehicle.
(2) On 22 January 2024, following a tip-off, troops arrested 3 suspected violent extremists/gunrunners in Shinkafi LGA of Zamfara State. Troops recovered one vehicle, 3 mobile phones and the sum of Two Million Five Hundred and Eighty Thousand Naira (₦2,580,000.00) only amonsgt other items.

  1. Air Interdiction. On 18 January 2024, air component of Operation HADARIN DAJI responded to intelligence reports of impending attacks by the violent extremists/insurgents in Faskari LGA of Katsina State. The insurgents led by Isuhu Madele, the younger brother of Alhaji Ado Aleru. Subsequently, the target location was acquired and attacked with rockets and cannons. Feedback indicated that several terrorists were neutralized and their Mobility destroyed.
  2. Similarly, on 20 January 2024, the air component of Operation HADARIN DAJI following intense ISR and INTREP conducted air interdiction at a notorious violent extremists/insurgents enclave known as Yellow Jambros in Maru LGA of Zamfara State. The location was observed to be active with terrorists activities. Subsequently, the target was acquired and attacked with precision strikes and rockets. Battle Damage Assessment revealed that several terrorists/insurgents were neutralized and their structures destroyed.


  1. Overall, troops of Operation HADARIN DAJI neutralized 27 insurgents, arrested 6 violent extremists/insurgents and rescued 13 kidnapped hostages. Troops recovered one GPMG, 13 AK47 rifles, 2 locally fabricated guns, 2 locally fabricated pistols, 4 dane guns, one fabricated dane gun, 399 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 11 magazines, one vehicle, 9 motorcycle, 3 mobilephone and the sum of N2,580,000.00 only amonsgt other item.


  1. The troops of Operation WHIRL PUNCH recorded the following during the week under review; conducted offensive operations, fighting patrols, arrested suspected illegal miners and rescued kidnapped hostages in Kuje and Bwari Area Council of FCT, Abuja, Akwanga and Nasarawa LGAs of Nasarawa State, Tafa LGA of Niger State as well as Kagarko LGA of Kaduna State.
  2. Details are as follows;

a. Offensive Operations. Between 19 and 23 January 2024, troops in a separate offensive operations made contact with violent extremists/insurgents in Kuje and Bwari Area Council of FCT, Akwanga and Nasarawa LGAs of Nasarawa State as well as Tafa LGA of Niger State. During the operations, troops neutralized 12 insurgents and arrested 6 suspected violent extremists/insurgents. Additionally, troops recovered 10 AK47 rifles, 2 locally fabricated guns, 4 dane guns, 321 rounds of 7.62mm special, 2 motorcycles and knives.
b. Fighting Patrols. Between 17 and 20 January 2024, troops in a separate operations conducted fighting patrols in Bwari and Kuje Area Councils of FCT, Abuja. During the operations, troops arrested 10 violent extremists/insurgents and recovered 3 AK47 rifles, 24 rounds of 7.62mm special, 2 mobile phones, substance suspected to be cannabis and the sum of N7,600.00.
c. Arrest of Suspected Illegal Miners. On 21 January 2024, troops while on stop and search operation intercepted and arrested 10 suspected illegal miners in Kuje Area Council of FCT, Abuja.
d. Rescue of Kidnapped Victims. On 20 January 2024, troops responded information on kidnapping activities in Kagarko LGA of Kaduna State. On sighting troops, the violent extremists/kidnappers fled abandoning their victims. During the operation, troops rescued 12 kidnapped hostages.
e. Night Patrol. On 22 January 2024, troops while conducting night patrol arrested one suspected violent extremist/kidnappers’ informant in Bwari Area Council of FCT, Abuja.

  1. Air Interdiction. On 18 January 2024, following INTREP and confirmatory ISR on the massing up of notorious kidnap kingpin known as Janari and his cohorts in Igabi LGA of Kaduna State. The air component of Operation WHIRL PUNCH conducted air interdiction on the target. The location was acquired and attacked with cannons. Battle Damage Assessment revealed that Janari and other terrorists/kidnappers were neutralized.
  2. Similarly, on 19 January 2024, following reliable intel combined with in-depth imagery analysis of corroborating ISR footages, air component of Operation WHIRL PUNCH conducted air interdiction in Chikun LGA of Kaduna State. The targets whom were responsible for kidnapping along Abuja – Kaduna road were acquired and attacked with rockets and cannons. Battle Damage Assessment revealed that several terrorists were neutralized and mobility destroyed.
  3. Additionally, on 20 January 2024, following further intel exploitation, the air component of Operation WHIRL PUNCH conducted air interdiction on terrorists/kidnappers hideout in Chukuba, Niger State. The location was acquired and attacked with rockets and cannons. Battle Damage Assessment revealed that several terrorists/insurgents were neutralized and their mobility destroyed.


  1. Overall, troops of Operation WHIRL PUNCH neutralized 12 insurgents, arrested 27 violent extremists/insurgents and rescued 12 kidnapped hostages. Troops recovered 13 AK47 rifles, 2 locally fabricated guns, 4 dane guns, 345 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 2 motorcycles, 2 mobile phones and the sum of N7,600.00 only amongst other items.


  1. Troops of Operation DELTA SAFE maintained momentum against the activities of crude oil theft. Troops destroyed several illegal refining sites and recovered stolen products. Troops arrested suspected violent extremists/kidnappers, conducted raid operation and arrested suspected bunkerer’s kingpin in Warri North and Oshimili LGAs of Delta as well as Bodo Gokana LGA of Rivers State respectively.
  2. Details as follows:

a. Troops Destroy Illegal Refining Sites. Troops recovered 522,555 litres of stolen crude oil, 338,240 litres of illegally refined AGO, 700 litres of DPK and 5,200 litres of PMS. Troops also apprehended 54 suspected oil thefts. Additionally, Troops discovered and destroyed 19 dugout pits, 92 boats, 84 storage tanks, one speedboat and one barge. Other items recovered include 81 cooking ovens, 8 vehicles, 12 motorcycles, 7 pump machines, 2 outboard engines and 31 illegal refining sites.
b. Arrest of Suspected Violent Extremists/Kidnapper. On 18 January 2024, troops in patrol arrested one suspected violent extremist/kidnapper in Warri North LGA of Delta State. The suspect was arrested while trying to negotiate and secure the release of the motorcycle recovered by troops.
c. Raid Operations. On 20 January 2024, following the arrest of one violent extremists/IPOB/ESN criminal kingpin identified as Mcheal Onyekwu (aka Ocean), troops raided a suspected violent extremists/IPOB hideout in Oshimili LGA of Delta State. Troops made contact with violent extremists/insurgents. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 2 insurgents and arrested 2 violent extremists/IPOB members. Troops also recovered 2 pump action guns, 24 cartridges, 2 Biafran berets, 3 Biafran flags, 2 black boot, 2 black belts, Cannabis and a cup of Methemphatemine (aka ICE).
d. Arrest of Suspected Bunkerers’ Kingpin. On 22 January 2024, troops while on fighting patrol arrested one suspected bunkerer’s (AKA Don’t Kill) a member of a prominent violent extremists/insurgents group member in Bodo Gokana LGA of Rivers State.


  1. Overall, troops of Operation DELTA SAFE recovered 522,555 litres of stolen crude oil, 338,240 litres of illegally refined AGO, 700 litres of DPK and 5,200 litres of PMS. Additionally, Troops discovered and destroyed 19 dugout pits, 92 boats, 84 storage tanks, one speedboat and one barge. Other items recovered include 81 cooking ovens, 8 vehicles, 12 motorcycles, 7 pump machines, 2 outboard engines and 31 illegal refining sites.
  2. Troops neutralized 2 insurgents and apprehended 58 suspected oil thefts and other violent extremists/insurgents. Troops also recovered 2 weapons and 24 ammunition amongst other items.


  1. Troops of Operation UDO KA recorded the following during the week under review; recovered arms and ammo, conducted raid operations, neutralized suspected violent extremists/IPOB informant and meeting engagement with violent extremists/ezza militias in Afikpo South and Ohaukwu LGAs of Ebonyi State, Ihitte Obinogu and Orlu LGAs of Imo State as well as Udi LGA of Enugu State respectively.
  2. Additionally, troops arrested suspected violent extremists cultists, gunrunner, kidnappers and IPOB/ESN members in Oguta and Okigwe LGAs of Imo State, Ikwo LGA of Ebonyi State as well as Onitsha North LGA of Anambra State.
  3. Details as follows: a. Recovery of Arms/Ammo. On 19 January 2024, troops in conjunction with Ebonyi State Government Committee on illegal possession of arms recovered arms and ammo in Afikpo South LGA of Ebonyi State. During the operation, troops recovered 8 AK47 rifles, 6 pump action guns, 8 AK47 magazines, 250 rounds of 7.62mm Special ammo and 54 cartridges.
    b. Raid Operations. On 17 and 18 January 2024, following credible HUMINT, troops in a separate operations raided 2 suspected violent extremists/insurgents hideouts in Ihitte Obinogu and Udi LGAs of Imo and Enugu States respectively. During the operations, troops arrested 3 suspected violent extremists/IPOB members.
    c. Neutralization of IPOB/ESN Suspected Informant. On 18 January 2024, troops while on patrol arrested one suspected and neutralized violent extremist/IPOB/ESN informant in Orlu LGA of Imo State. arrested one IPOB/ESN informant. The suspect was neutralized while attempting to escaped.
    d. Meeting Engagement. On 20 January 2024, troops while on routine patrol made contact with members of violent extremist/Ezza Militia in Ohaukwu LGA of Ebonyi State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 2 insurgents and recovered one AK47 rifle, one pump action gun, 23 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo and 121 cartridges.

e. Arrest of Suspected Violent Extremists/Cultists. On 21 January 2024, troops with hybrid forces responded to distress calls on violent extremists/cultists in Ikwo LGA of Ebonyi State. During the operation, troops arrested 4 cultists members and recovered one pistol, one matchet and 3 mobile phones.
e. Arrest of Notorious Violent Extremists/Gunrunner. On 22 January 2024, following HUMINT, troops while hybrid forces arrested one suspected violent extremist/notorious gunrunner in Onitsha North LGA of Anambra State.
g. Arrest of Suspected Violent Extremists/Kidnapper. On 22 January 2024, troops responded to a distress call of kidnapping incident in Oguta LGA of Imo State. During the operation, troops arrested one suspected violent extremists/kidnapper. Preliminary investigation revealed that suspect and 2 others were responsible for killing one Mr Ndubusi earlier on 21 January 2024.
l. Arrests of Suspected Violent Extremists/IPOB/ESN Informant On 23 January 2024, fol HUMINT, troops while on patrol arrested one suspected violent extremists/IPOB/ESN informant in Okigwe LGA of Imo State. Preliminary investigation discovered that the suspect spy and relay troops movement to the insurgents as well as receive funds from their diaspora sponsors. Tps recovered 3 mobile phones and a memory card containing his voice conversion with some IPOB/ESN criminals.


  1. Overall, troops of Operation UDO KA nuetralized 4 insurgents and arrested 14 violent extremists/insurgents. Troops recovered 10 AK47 rifles, one G3 rifle, 8 pump action guns, one pistol, 273 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 177 cartridges, 5 magazines, 2 motorcycles, 3 mobile phones and the sum of N6,400.00 only amongst other items. All recovered items, arrested suspects and rescued hostages were handed over to the relevant authority for further action.

Major General
Director Defence Media Operations

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