The Nigerian Navy has dismissed Master Warrant Officer (MWO) E. Ango, after more than 30 years of service, for AWOL.
He was formally dismissed from service at Headquarters, Eastern Naval Command (ENC), Calabar.
AWOL stands for “Absent Without Leave” and is levied against a personnel who is not present at their place of work without proper authorization or leave. And any personnel who is AWOL for more than 30 days is considered a deserter.

Section 60 of the Armed Forces Act provides for the offence of desertion. Particularly Section 60(4) provides for incidences where an officer is said to have deserted.
Sources that the dismissal was conveyed in line with a Naval Headquarters (NHQ) directive vide Reference: NHQ 08/61/93/A/VOL.V/17 dated August 29, 2024 which confirmed the “summary trial punishment of MWOJNL ANGO E XJ0043 was conducted today at HQ ENC Parade ground.
“The DCAO Capt AT Abdullahi read out the confirmation letter at about 1500.
“It would be recalled that the senior rate was tried summarily on two count charges of AWOL under section 59(a) of the AFA CAP A20 LFN 2004 respectively.
“At the conclusion of the trial the accused was found guilty as accused charged. Consequently, the accused was awarded reduction in rate from MWOJNL to POJNL on count one and dismissal from the NN on count two wef 2 Mar 23.
“The legal review of the trial report showed that the accused rating was properly arraigned, and due process was complied with during the trial. Accordingly, the findings of guilty and sentences were upheld by the CNS as follows: Uphold.”