Timeline Of The Fall Of Damascus: List Of Events That Lead To The Fall Of Bashr Al Asad Regime In Syria

By Mohsin Ali, @Mohsin_o2

  • On 27 November, Syrian rebels launched an offensive on the city of Aleppo led by the HTS with little resistance from the Syrian national army, the rebels were able to capture the city by 30 November including the Strategic M5 motorway linking Aleppo and Damascus.
  • Next on the map was the city of Hama, which was captured on the 5th of December, although Asad’s commanders had bragged about the defences of the city but city was also quick to fall as most the Asad fighters fled after facing the lighting offensive from the rebels.
  • Homs was the last fortress in the pathway to Damascus, the same story folded in Homs as the previous two battles, Syrian army fled, leaving the rebels with tons of ammunition and Weaponry, leaving the road to Damascus open.
  • And last this morning, date 8 December, 2024. The capital city was Damascus fell, dictator Asad along with his family tired to flee the country but the fate of his aircraft is unknown ATM. Rebel forces have taken control of all government Infrastructure.
  • Opposition forces from Daraa escorted Syria’s Prime Minister to the Four Seasons Hotel, in a symbolic act representing the transfer of power and the dismantling of Assad regime control. According to reports, Asad ordered the peaceful transfer of power.
  • The entire Syrian army fled to Iraq
  • Syrian rebels prepare to go to Latakia. The people in the region already torn down the Assad’s statues and overthrew the government. But the region has not seen militants move in, this is tense because it is an area with Russian military base and control.
  • Current map of Syria,with No Asad Control What’s next for Syria? Peace or fighting between factions and potentially neighbors with foreign powers taking chunks of country as buffer zones? This ripple effect will follow to other countries such as Iran aswell.

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