- She first searched the Just A Baby app for a suitable random sperm donor and then ordered the insemination kit from eBay
By Trending Desk, Indian.com, September 20, 2021
London: It might seem hard to believe, but anything is possible in the 21st century! A 33-year-old British woman has grabbed headlines after she gave birth to an ‘eBaby’ by buying sperm and an insemination kit online.
Notably, Stephenie Taylor wanted to have a second baby but did not want another relationship. At the same time, she did not want to go to a private fertility clinic because of the exorbitant amount they charge.
However, she then stumbled upon a different plan and planned her own pregnancy. She first searched the Just A Baby app for a suitable random sperm donor and then ordered the insemination kit from eBay. She contacted a sperm donor through the app and after messaging for three weeks, he dropped off his sperm at her house in January 2020.
According to Daily Star, Stephenie reportedly watched a YouTube tutorial and carried out a successful DIY self-insemination herself.
As luck would have it, Stephenie conceived on the first try and she gave birth to baby Edna in October last year. The donor wanted to stay anonymous and said, “Stephenie is an amazing person and I’m happy to do it again if she’d like more children in the future.”
Notably, Stephenie already has a son Frankie, who turns five next month, with an ex-partner. However, she wanted a second baby to complete her family.
Stephenie told The Daily Star, “You could say she is a real online baby – she is a bit of a miracle. If I didn’t have access to all that electronically then she wouldn’t be here. But I’m over the moon to be a mum again and I’m proud of the way she came into the world.”
The woman said that she would not have any problem if her daughter wanted to meet the DNA contributor.